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Investing With Impact: Why Finance Is A Force For Good
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Investing with Impact: Why Finance Is a Force for Good outlines the roadmap to reinvigorating a skeptical public and demoralized financial services industry by making the case that, contrary to popular misconception, finance is not the cause of the world's problems; in fact, it can provide the solution. Author Jeremy Balkin presents the case that the finance industry can improve the state of the world by positively influencing the allocation of capital.  Investing With Impact explains the methodology of Balkin's 6 E Paradigm, opening the toolbox to this revolutionary framework for the first time. In so doing, Balkin expands the impact investment universe, enabling mainstream capital to flow where opportunities generate positive investment returns and have demonstrable social impact.  Described by the Huffington Post as the "Anti-Wolf of Wall Street," Balkin is challenging the status quo on Wall Street by leading the intellectual debate embracing the $1 trillion frontier impact investment market opportunity. The book demonstrates conclusively that, if we can change the culture in finance, we can change the world for the better.

Hardcover: 240 pages

Publisher: Routledge (June 4, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1629560588

ISBN-13: 978-1629560588

Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.8 x 9.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (43 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #523,765 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #91 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Financial Services #413 in Books > Business & Money > Economics > Sustainable Development #770 in Books > Business & Money > Business Culture > Ethics

'Investing With Impact' is a very insightful look into the increasingly spoken-about world of impact investing. As one of the highest growth industries in the finance world, impacting investing is a topic that is gaining much attention. Balkin does an outstanding job making the case for how finance and the private sector can ensure a positive future. His passion and understanding of impact investing makes him a must read author on the topic. With so many in the industry now discussing impact investing and with an up-and-coming generation looking to impact investing as a focus, the book could not be more timely and is worth the read.

I love this book. It is well-written, easy to read and has a positive message for the world of finance. Jeremy's book is a timely reminder why the private sector is best placed to generate sustainable economic prosperity. It's a must read because it outlines the roadmap for how we can all invest and use financial resources for good.

Jeremy Balkin is introducing us to a new "enlightened self interest" where capitalism is driven by more than unbridled greed. He introduces the thesis that one can create wealth for oneself and one's clients while simultaneously enhancing our world. Impact investing has been around for years, but assets managed with social good in mind represent a minute fraction of global assets under management today. Balkin 's approach to allocating capital may be the catalyst to open asset allocators' eyes and transcend the myopic amoral pursuit of quarterly investment performance. Balkin has developed his "6E Paradigm", a sensible and dynamic way to move finance forward as a force for good. Balkin looks to the Millenials, who are now coming into their own, as the generation to run with this torch. And Boomers? Well, we blew it. We embraced one dimensional unlimited greed and paid the price.

Investing with Impact is a game changer! Balkin presents a framework for using capital allocation to produce returns while simultaneously improving society. Arguing that greed should not be the only motive of financiers, he shows how an often vilified industry can actually be a force for global good.

Ok another book about finance and the collapse of Lehman Brothers. But truthfully I enjoyed Mr Balkin's approach to the subject matter.Angry that the world is so unfair? Infuriated by fat-cat capitalists and billion-bonus bankers? Baffled by the yawning chasm between the haves, the have-nots and the have-yachts?Mr Balkin argues in a well referenced way that money can do good for the world on the basis of freedom and moral right. It is the next generation that can make it happen better.Whilst investing can never be a smooth ride. Financial history afterall is a roller-coaster ride of ups and downs, bubbles and bursts, manias and panics, shocks and crashes.It a uplifting way Mr Balkin puts forward "It is time for people to regain control of their economic destiny. Capitalism is a metaphor for freedom and is the greatest force for properity and opportunity the world has ever known."Amen

As a writer myself, I know how difficult it is to make complex ideas understandable to the reader. Investing with Impact thoughtfully outlines the important role of business in society making it an easy read for non-finance types.

All society's stakeholders should embrace the basic premise of this book - the babyboomers who own most of the money in global pension funds want a better future for their children, their children who want better futures for themselves, governments who desperately want economic growth to pay for their profligate spending and accumulated debt, and NGO's and the media who will welcome a renewed focus on non-economic outcomes to improve society. The challenge is to incentivise corporate CEOs and Board's to realise that it is also in their shareholder's interests to embrace the proposed 6E framework as the roadmap for building more sustainable and, ultimately more profitable, businesses.

Thank you Jeremy for writing this book. I love Investing with Impact because Jeremy has been furthering the conversation from the grassroots organizations around the globe all the way to the most influential, and yes, richest, people on the planet. With that perspective of the value system, societal taboos, and diverse perspective of disparate peoples globally- Jeremy's voice is an important one for the future. Read this book if you want to understand how we can make this world a better place by investing with impact.

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