Series: Your First Year
Paperback: 304 pages
Publisher: Three Rivers Press; 1 edition (July 12, 2001)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0761534121
ISBN-13: 978-0761534129
Product Dimensions: 7.4 x 0.7 x 9.1 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds
Average Customer Review: 3.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (83 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #394,281 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #91 in Books > Business & Money > Real Estate > Sales #1700 in Books > Business & Money > Job Hunting & Careers > Guides #6992 in Books > Business & Money > Economics
I'm not really sure why this book got such high marks from the other reviewers. The book is page-numbered to 281, plus the introduction and table of contents, but it really should have been only 100 pages, and can be summarized with "Set a goal, be persistent, find a mentor." In other words, there isn't a lot of substance to be found.Probably the best chapter of the book is Chapter 1, "Selecting the Right Company". In it, the book gives you a decent list of things to think about when you're looking for a broker to work under. There is also a helpful list of questions that you need to ask your potential brokers when you are interviewing with them. On the other hand, the chapter falls flat when talking about the questions that the broker is likely to ask you. While the book gives you a list of questions, it doesn't counsel you in any way regarding what you might want to say or avoid saying in your answers.The first sign that this book is going to be high on fluff and low on useful real estate sales help is the book's wide margins and line spacing, and large fonts. This makes for a low info-per-page ratio.Next you'll notice that there is too much of vague generalities about real estate, too much meandering talk of discipline and persistence and goal setting and self-affirmation. Illustrative of this point is the fact that the book makes no mention whatsoever about open houses. Nothing. If open houses aren't worthwhile then why wouldn't you at least spend a couple of pages explaining why and presenting some scripts for convincing your sellers (and perhaps brokers?) not to do them?Speaking of scripts, on pages 35 through 37 Mr. Zeller uses a lot of words to convince you of the importance and utility of scripts.
Your 1st Year in Real Estate is a comprehensive and exciting plan for success in Real Estate and life. In the tradition of Jim Rohn, Brian Tracy and Zig Ziglar, Dirk Zeller challenges you to not only achieve your wildest dreams through a lucrative career in Real Estate but also maintain balance, for a life worth living. This is the business plan that I was looking for when I started my career as an agent... Dirk doesn't leave any questions about what you should do or how to do it. Dirk has put a tremendous amount of information into this book and I commend him for his honest and sincerity. Experience is the greatest teacher and Dirk has put all of his into the book!Your 1st Year in Real Estate should be called The Fundamentals of a Successful Real Estate Career. Dirk tells you exactly how to create a business that is predictable and can be duplicated. One of the biggest worries for all agents is when and where the next closing (check) will come from. Dirk illustrates how to make your business proactive instead of reactive. He shows you exactly how to predict the amount of business you will generate based on activity, this information is priceless! Dirk even gives you the activities that pay! The book goes well beyond your 1st year in detailing the importance of time management and cost control. Dirk goes into extensive detail about these often-misunderstood elements of really high performers. It's in these chapters that Dirk details how to become the best of the best and achieve a high net income not just a high gross.In my estimation this is a must read for every agent who wants to achieve any measure of success in Real Estate and have a life. Dirk's career in Real Estate was one of massive success while enjoying a life away from work.
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