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On The Mend: Revolutionizing Healthcare To Save Lives And Transform The Industry
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Part case study, part manifesto, this groundbreaking new book by a doctor and a healthcare executive uses real-life anecdotes and the logic of lean thinking to make a convincing argument that a revolutionary new kind of healthcare -- lean healthcare -- is urgently needed and eminently doable. In On the Mend: Revolutionizing Healthcare to Save Lives and Transform the Industry John Toussaint, MD, former CEO of ThedaCare, and Roger A. Gerard, PhD, its chief learning officer, candidly describe the triumphs and stumbles of a seven-year journey to lean healthcare, an effort that continues today and that has slashed medical errors, improved patient outcomes, raised staff morale, and saved $27 million dollars in costs without layoffs. Find out: * How lean techniques of value-stream-mapping and rapid improvement events cut the average "door-to-balloon" time for heart attack patients at two hospitals from 90 minutes to 37. * What ThedaCare leaders did to replace medicine's "shame and blame" culture with a lean culture based on continuous improvement and respect for people. * How the lean principle of "building in quality at the source" broke down divisions among medical specialties allowing teams to develop patient care plans faster. * Why traditional modern management is the single biggest impediment to lean healthcare. * How the plan-do-study-act cycle coupled with rapid improvement events cut the wait time at a robotic radiosurgery unit from 26 days to six. * How the lean concept of "one piece flow" saved time in treating ischemic stroke patients, increasing the number of patients receiving a CT scan within 25 minutes from 51% to 89%. * How senior leaders at other healthcare organizations can begin their own lean transformations using a nine-step action plan based on what ThedaCare did -- and what it would do differently. Toussaint and Gerard prove that lean healthcare does not mean less care. On the Mend shows that when care is truly re-de

Hardcover: 181 pages

Publisher: Lean Enterprise Institute, Inc.; 1 edition (September 1, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1934109274

ISBN-13: 978-1934109274

Product Dimensions: 6.1 x 0.8 x 9.3 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (57 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #137,451 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #36 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Manufacturing #43 in Books > Business & Money > Industries > Industrial Relations #91 in Books > Medical Books > Administration & Medicine Economics > Hospital Administration

1- I am sure some so-called "Lean Expert" will say that the book is not a "technical" illustration of lean. I happen to believe that the greatness of On the Mend lies in the fact that it is not technical. Rather, it is a practical illustration of how an organization can realize gains from using few tools, and at the same time, utilize the best capital it already has: the experience and involvement of the organization's own people.2- I think this is the first book on lean that fully addresses clinical areas with real examples i.e. STEMI, Stroke, primary clinic and laboratory. Most lean books talk about supply chain, sterilization areas and process related to production.3- The introduction touched on Toyota's recent problems (page 3) and explained that this is a reminder of the consequences of failing to adhere to lean principles. I believe that the problems that Toyota faced, and the subsequent actions taken by the company, provide us with better examples as to why we need lean. When I am asked about this issue (which is almost every day), I reply by asking the person: "Do you remember what Toyota did first after the problems became public knowledge?" Most say that Toyota acknowledged the problem. I remind them that one of the first actions that Toyota took was to stop producing cars. Toyota asked its 137,000 employees to stop producing cars until a new process is designed and put in place to repair current defects and ensure that the new cars do not have the same defect. My argument proceeds to ask, "Are we in healthcare ready to close the OR, pharmacy or lab if we discover that errors (I have been using the term error instrad of defect because most healthcare workers will say we handle people not machines) have been committed?

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