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Unveiling Love: A Regency Romance (A London Regency Romantic Suspense Tale Book 2)
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Romantic Suspense in the courtrooms and hidden places of Romantic Regency EnglandBarrington Norton has always despised lies and has formed his life upon a foundation of truth. Yet, discovering the truth of Amora's past sends him to the breaking point. How can he ever make amends for not believing her? Will she ever love him as she once did?Amora Norton is tired, tired of fighting for her marriage and her sanity. Now that she understands how fleeting Barrington's love is, she wants none of it. It may be better off being alone than living with pity. Having lost all, can she find herself?Nonetheless, a serial abductor is at large, awakening to existence of the one that got away. Only a united couple can put an end to his reign of terror.This is the second Regency Romance of four.Dear Lovely Reader,Unveiling Love is a serialized historical romance or soap opera told in episodes. Each episode averages three to ten chapters, about 18,000 to 40,000 words. Each episode resolves one issue. Emotional cliffhangers may be offered, but the plot, the action of the episode, will be complete in resolving this issue. My promise to you is that the action will be compelling, the romance passionate, and the journey like nothing you've read before. I will tell you in the forward the length. This episode, Episode II, is eleven chapters long, 40,000 words. Enjoy this Regency RomanceVanessa Riley

File Size: 5273 KB

Print Length: 200 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Gallium Optronics (February 22, 2016)

Publication Date: February 22, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #80,634 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #92 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #97 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #366 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Mystery & Suspense

Oh my! What a rollercoaster ride, Barrington and Amora take you through a wide range of emotions. At times I was angry at them and at times I wanted to scream at them. But you still feel the love they have for each other, even though mistrust is prevalent and seeking to destroy them. You will also see how fear can keep someone in bondage and cause someone to make decisions that are detrimental to them. They have so many misconceptions about each other, but there is hope. Barrington needs to keep trusting, depending and seeking God for his marriage. His simple prayers are amazing. Amora needs to realize that she is one of God's precious gems, she may see herself as damaged goods, but God sees His princess. An amazing story, I love books that feature married couples and how they overcome the things that try to destroy them.I received this book free from Gallium Optronics Publishing as part of their book review program in exchange for a honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own.

Episode 2 begins with when Barrington and Amora Norton in their home town. Barrington wants to question Amora's mother regarding Amora's abduction. After talking to Mrs. Tomas, Barrington is finally convinced Amora was kidnapped. Amora is livid. She has her mother's attorney draw up divorce papers---something unusual for a woman in 1819. Barrington apologizes and pleads with Amora but she refuses to forgive him. I now sympathize with Barrington as more information regarding his family history is revealed. Barrington feels that his only chance to save his marriage is to find and prosecute the kidnapper. He comes to a dead end and is desperate. Barrington still performs well when he is in court but outside the courtroom, his life spins out of control. There is plenty of mystery and suspense in this episode. At the end, Barrington, acts irrational and does something that could make him lose everything. I await episode 3.

Barrington and Amora are back! Vanessa Riley never disappoints me! She gives you a great love story with suspense!! Her characters are so complex but relatable, how she does that I have no idea LOL The couple are at a crossroads, It's s like they reverse roles since the 1st book. Amora to me was lost, hurt, damaged which is understandable but in this book she her insecurities made me want to shake her. In the first book you see a little bit of fire in her trying to break through but this 2nd book it shows up and disappears so quick you can't enjoy the real Amora! New characters are introduced with the old and I can honestly say I have no idea what to expect which makes Vanessa Riley an awesome writer in my opinion. But my favorite character would have to be Barrington, he is funny and confident in his abilities Except when it comes to his wife! He disguises his wounds way better than Amora but they are there and they are deep! I can not wait to see what happens next... Barrington has got me scared LOL... Because I am clueless on who he and Amora can trust....I received this book free from Gallium Optronics Publishing as part of their Book Review program in exchange for a honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own

Countless secrets lurk throughout the pages of Unveiling Love, episode two of Vanessa Riley's London Regency Suspense Tale. This author's depiction of a heroine barely holding onto her sanity after being kidnapped by a madman stretches the emotional limits of the entire cast as hidden dangers constantly hover in this well crafted episodic tale. Multicultural characters give this story an interesting glimpse into a rarely explored aspect of Regency life and highlight the extensive research this writer has done. As each installment of this serial dregs up more clues to a murky past the honorable and noble actions accompanied by the tested faith and love of the hero and heroine assure that Ms. Riley's audience will be eagerly awaiting episode three.*I received this ARC from the author in exchange for an honest review.**This work is episodic and should be read in order.*

Unveiling Love: A Regency Romance (A London Regency Romantic Suspense Tale Book 2) written by Vanessa Riley, is a great second episode to this series. We are following Amora and Barrington Norton through the struggles that they finally figured out they had in the first episode and now Amora has come to the point that she is tired of fighting for her marriage and her sanity, but Barrington wants to fight enough for both of them. Can they actually make this work? I wanted to reach into the book and cheer them on while they endure each day of struggles. Can’t wait to read the next episode of this story and find out how they end up and if this monster who has caused these problems is finally caught or if they will have to deal with these struggles the rest of their married life. I was gifted this book in exchange for my honest review.

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