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Done In The Dark
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Done in the Dark is the introduction to the March family, a prominent family in Hampton, Virginia. They are a Christian family with many secrets that have yet to be uncovered. Lucia March, the younger of the two March girls finds herself pregnant and unsure of the father at first. She is also estranged from her family and has not seen her sister in quite some time but comes to find love and romance in an unexpected way. This starts a strange chain of events that culminate into a violent standoff with her sister near the end of her pregnancy leaving Lucia’s husband shot and Lucia in labor. Faced with another emergency, Lucia has to make significant changes in her surroundings. She begins to confide in an unlikely source who may hold the key to her happiness, but someone is threatening to steal her joy. Can she cope with all of the madness in her life or will secrets hidden away cause her to lose it all? Like they say, everything that's done in the dark will come to the light....or does it?

File Size: 695 KB

Print Length: 110 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Anointed Inspirations Publishing; 1 edition (February 7, 2016)

Publication Date: February 7, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #46,076 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #64 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #66 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #608 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Women's Fiction

This was a great read! So many twist and turns you never knew what to expect. I heard of sister not getting along but this is on a whole new level. Murder lies and secrets reviled can wait for part two

We all have our issues, we can decide to get over or past them, or we can allow them to take control and destroy us. But by the grace of God it is better to take it to God in prayer and let him work it out. We of the older generation can attest to the changes of the world since they have decided to erase God from most venues. But if we keep trusting and believing in gods word and mighty power we surely will overcome. Be Blessed. Doris

I enjoyed this read from beginning to end, the storyline n characters were great, I love how it shows that no matter how you are living or what happens in your life if you accept God and exercise the power of Prayer anything is possible just take a look into the lives of Lucia, Jacob, Hollis n Maxwell, you won't be disappointed, Great Job and I definitely look forward to reading more of this Author's Work

This book was very fast reading and very interesting with great characters and a good story line, however, there are a lot of typos in the book. Very fast, good reading and looking forward to reading the sequel.

This was a great read! Loved the refreshing originality that the author brought in this one. I mean, it had twist and turns and some craziness that the urban fiction world brings but it was written in a Christian manner. The only reason I gave it four stars because as it ended, there were a lot of grammatical errors like missing words and misspelled words which is just an editing issue but good job Tabeitha. Can't wait for Part 2 because I need to see what Hollis and Cassidy up to because I'm sure it is NO GOOD! I also want to see what the new couple has in store as well (I don't want to give any clues away to who the couple is)

I liked the premise of the story but too much was going in the story and much too fast. Con's:Very little character developmentFast paced (97 page story spans a 2.5 year period of time)Unresolved issues with charactersNot a good representation of Christian fiction (because it's so messy! And not enough time to show the repentance and redemption of God)Pro's:Decent messageNo major grammatical errorsWritten in modern dayGives different perspectives ( male vs. female)A solid 2.5-3 stars. Didn't hate it but didn't love it enough to even care what happens next in the characters lives.

The book was good. Different from my usual readings. The speed of the book was off balance. One minute were fast forward, the next were reading in the present moment., BUT that's what made it interesting to me. I'm very excited to know what secrets may come out of him opening that safe box! Hurry with part two!!!

I was sooooo shocked at the turn of events in this book. Unfortunately, I've seen so many families destroyed by the jealousy of siblings. This book provides the ultimate example and how love will make you do some crazy things. Smh. Am anxiously waiting for part two. Great job Tabeitha!

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