File Size: 1591 KB
Print Length: 101 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Anointed Inspirations Publishing (February 11, 2016)
Publication Date: February 11, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #61,671 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #78 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #81 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #772 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Women's Fiction
I liked the basic plot of the story but it lacked depth. There were some inconsistencies and grammatical errors. However I did like the fact that Christmas aka Chrissy knew her worth. She had her emotional moments but she stayed strong. Desmond was a straight up no good fool. I wish there were more details on certain situations. Overall, it kept my attention to see how things would end but I felt like I missed a lot too.
Desmond really thought he was untouchable because he was preaching. But he really was in wolf's clothing. Christmas was a brave woman that realized something wasn't right with her so called husband. If we believe without a shadow of doubt in God he will bring you thru all trickery of the devil. God is good and all of the time God is good
Desmond Fuller is a man with lots of secrets and fooling everyone in the church, including his wife. He knew that having his own church was a sure way to have some free money in his pocket. He just never knew it could be so easy. With two beautiful young women in his life, he had it made. Or so he thought.This was a good book. Kept me entertained from the beginning.The characters were developed throughout the story and the storyline kept my attention.Desmond was just a mess.
Excellent read. The characters and their roles made sense. Good story line and plot; believable. Looking forward to reading more by this author. Kept it clean, refreshing ro read a Christian novel that a Christian can read and enjoy!
I enjoyed this tale of lies and deceit and all from one person!Christmas tried her best to be a good living wife to Desmond. What she didn't realize is no matter how hard she tried, Desmond would never love her the way she would have wanted. Actually he didn't know how.Milan was a pawn in Desmond's game. She wanted to be in the spotlight no matter the cost. I'm so happy that she didn't fall to the pits of hell for her sins.Titan loves his best friend's wife. He is strong in the Lord and let Him be his guide.There were a few grammatical errors, but a great read!Great read!
Desmond Fuller is a man with a ton of secrets and lies. Desmond thought he was untouchable and fooling all the church members and his wife. Desmond was an evil man. Desmond was messing around with several woman and stealing from the church. Good book with some errors, but did not take away from the story.
This book was a great read. I did not like that bass Desmond at all he was selfish and a arrogant ass. I really felt for Christmas but God had his loving arms around her and sent her in a angel by hr great friend Titian. I loved their love story and how everything worked out for them.
Very good read! Desmond was full of the devil! He deserved everything that happened to him. I enjoyed the development of Chrissy and Titan. I liked the fact that he waited until Chrissy was right in her personal and spiritual life. The message of growing in your truth and standing on His word that you will be blessed. There are some grammatical errors but it does not distract from the message of the book.
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