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Reverend Donahue “Donny” Cambridge, III, is the assistant pastor of The Mighty Fortress Baptist Church. Though Donny is a man of the cloth, he’s also a male slut and puts on pretenses with women so they will put out when he has an urge that his main chick, Mahalia, won’t fulfill. Donny has conquered dozens of women during his three-year “situationship” with Mahalia—some from the congregation but mostly random chicks.Koolaidria, named after her mother’s favorite sugary drink at the time of her birth. Known as “Kool” for short, she has struggled her entire life to get a man to make a commitment to her and her self-esteem is in the toilet. She grew up poor and is now living paycheck to paycheck and trying to raise her five kids. But Kool has a master plan. She views Donny as her ticket out of the ’hood and she intends to sex him into delirium to get what she wants. Reverend Emerson Maynard is the senior pastor at the church and never lets Donny or anyone else forget that he’s the HTIC (Head Theologian In-Charge). Married to Danielle for twenty-two years, Reverend Maynard appears to be an upstanding man and a devoted husband and father. But he’s leading a double life. Sierra is young, attractive, educated, and is definitely wife material. She can't believe that after planning her life so carefully, she ended up being Reverend Maynard's side chick. After five years of being kept in the shadows, she is desperate and will do whatever it takes to become the pastor’s wife. Sidechickology examines the world of men who practice and preach theology, along with monogamy, but have issues adhering to the rules of both.

File Size: 2391 KB

Print Length: 254 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publication Date: November 19, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #136,052 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #138 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Erotica > African American #140 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Erotica > African American #155 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian

YESSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!! My baby Allison did it again with another great collaboration. This time, she did it with Body of Works. Chyle....everybody in the church is boning, kissing and making babies. Cheating and drama aren't teh only these two devious pastors are doing. Mmmph, this book definitely takes you in the behind the scenes, the dirt under the rug and hypocrisy of many pastors today and it definitely has some great points in here. Yes, excellent as usual and yesss!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Whew!!!! This book is hot, hot, HOT!!!! I was eager to pick it up and I was NOT disappointed. Ms. Allison Hobbs does it again with her trademark style and I thoroughly enjoyed the collaboration between her and Body of Work. Whether you agree with the subject matter or not, there is no way that you can deny the greatness of this novel. Some of the characters will have you laughing out loud, others will make you feel pity, while one in particular will fill you with digest. This is a great read with plenty of gasp worthy moments to keep you turning pages until the very end.

I read the new collaboration with the notorious Allison Hobbs and Body of Work and I have to tip my hat to you two. The church erotica was there and tastefully done (as tasteful as I think you could under the circumstances-lolol)....this book has the spice and feakiness of AH so you will definietly be pleased.. I promise if you have or have ever held a position in the church or even attended church - these characters will have you going - OMG, that could be brotha so and so LOL ... i loved the storyline and the characters - I would love to see you two continue these characters in a sequal, Ms. Kool has soooooo many twists and turns.....kudoos

I sure had fun with this book! It's very entertaining with lots of laughs and surprises. I am a premium Allison Hobbs fan and I enjoyed this book. This will send me on a search to experience more of the offerings of Body of Work. As always, when I partake of an AH treasure, my seasoned self gained some valuable knowledge. I am satisfied with this collaboration and so looking forward to much, much more!

This book right here was awesome!!!! I loved all the characters and what they brought to the story. There was never a dull moment with this cast of characters. Kool was every hood-ratchet chick you could every imagine rolled into one. But she loved her kids and did whatever it took to make sure they were well taken care of. I am totally looking forward to reading more by Body of Work. Im wondering if this pseudonym is one of my all time favorite authors... Keep up the great work Body of Work. B.O.W.!!!!

I absolutely love Allison Hobbs she is never yet been a disappointment this book was so hot I could cook a meal on it lol I love the way she describes her characters in detail never miss a beat I will always be a fan of ms Hobbs

I will start off by saying I definitely liked the style of writing by both authors. Both Donahue & Emerson played themselves & got what they didn't ask for. As far as "Kool" if ratchet whore was a good term, it still wouldn't be good enough.

This is the first book that I have read for this author and I'm already looking for my next book. She has so many I don't know which one to choose. The story had a good pace and the characters were well developed. Loved this to my next one!
