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George Rogers Clark: Boy Of The Northwest Frontier (Young Patriots Series)
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This biography details the childhood adventures of George Rogers Clark, the older brother of William Clark of the famous Lewis and Clark expedition. George was a courageous explorer and Revolutionary War hero whose bravery and leadership helped win the Battle of Vincennes, saving what would become Ohio, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, and Wisconsin from British occupation. George’s boyhood curiosity and zest for exploration are described, including his adventures while camping, riding horses, and playing with his childhood friend Thomas Jefferson. Young explorers follow George into the woods, where he rescues a baby raccoon, outwits a hapless thief, saves a money bag, and hunts his first deer. Special features include a summary of Clark's adult accomplishments, fun facts detailing little-known tidbits of information about Clark, and a timeline.

File Size: 1285 KB

Print Length: 126 pages

Publisher: Patria Press, Inc; Revised edition edition (March 1, 2004)

Publication Date: March 1, 2004

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #463,049 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #27 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > History > Exploration & Discovery #36 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Exploration & Discoveries #44 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Biographies > Fictional > United States

The latest in the "Young Patriots" series of young adult novels, George Rogers Clark: Boy Of The Northwest Frontier by Katharine E. Wilie is a dramatic historical narrative of the childhood of George Rogers Clark, who would grow up to be a Revolutionary War general and famous explorer, as well as an inspiration for his younger brother William who would one day lead the Lewis & Clark expedition. Cathy Morrison's black-and-white illustrations bring this adventurous narrative to life; a tale that captures the imagination and introduces young people to American history through the eyes of those who grew up in the midst of critical events.

I purchased this book to accompany my classroom 'play-away' device....Great for 4th graders studying (Indiana)history...

This was a great read aloud for our 7 yr old 2nd grade son. We loved learning about George Rogers Clark and all the adventures he had growing up. Highly recommended as a good quality biography!

It was a good story to read to my boys! We loved that he followed his passion and how his life changed America.

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