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Unveiling Love: A Regency Romance (A London Regency Romantic Suspense Tale Book 3)
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Romantic Suspense in the courtrooms and hidden places of Romantic Regency EnglandBarrington Norton has always made the right decisions but desperation, lies, and unexpected truths make things go terribly wrong. Can London's top mulatto barrister save Amora, himself, and their loved ones from ruin? Amora Norton has come to terms with her abduction and forgiven her Egyptian mother of betrayal, but hasn't the strength to do the same for Barrington or God. Can finding a lost friend and discovering an unexpected blessing be enough to make her whole?Yet, all their efforts to solve the crime of the century may be for naught. A divided couple is the perfect prey for a criminal who needs all the sins wiped away.This is the third Regency Romance of four.Dear Lovely Reader,Unveiling Love is a serialized historical romance or soap opera told in episodes. Each episode averages three to eight chapters, about 25,000 to 35,000 words. Each episode resolves one issue. Emotional cliffhangers may be offered, but the plot, the action of the episode, will be complete in resolving this issue. My promise to you is that the action will be compelling, the romance passionate, and the journey like nothing you've read before. I will tell you in the forward the length. This episode, Episode III, is eight chapters long, 30,000 words. Enjoy this Regency Romance. This is the third episode of four. Vanessa Riley

File Size: 5650 KB

Print Length: 184 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Gallium Optronic, LLC (March 28, 2016)

Publication Date: March 28, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #111,234 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #120 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #133 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #488 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Mystery & Suspense

Oh my! This couple brings me to the edge of my seat. Just when you think they are going to breakthrough and realize the love they have for each other they allow past hurts, secrets and other people to interfere. But, isn't this like most troubled marriages? Not allowing one's self to see pass the hurt, pain and other people's foolishness to see what God sees in them and what He desires for their marriage. Barrington and Amora are trapped by all of Satan's devices. Will they allow God to set them free and enjoy the destiny that He has planned for them?

Okay, So Barrington and Amora are back! I have to say so far this is my favorite part of the series! Barrington seems more confidant! Instead of going by the book, he is finally listening to his gut instincts. Your instincts will not always make sense in the beginning but you just have to take a chance, walk out on faith! Barrington is doing that with his best friend and wife! We finally see Barrington and Amora in a REAL marriage. They joked, laughed, paid attention to each other, communicated instead of assuming. The last two series it seem they were strangers to each other, not this book. They found each other again, stripped of secrets, their love is raw! Both still battle insecurities but realize they are stronger together than separate. They can overcome just about anything with the help of each other! So glad the great pharaoh showed Amora a mirror of her actions! Got her together real quick. Loved Barrington's cousin, he was funny and genuinely cared about Barrington's well being. The Dutch and Dutchess makes another appearance, I can't wait for their new book. Thank goodness for the Dutch!! You'll understand when you read the book. Amora finally showing more strength, no more playing the victim or allowing the past to be victimized. Can't wait until the next part of the series. Oh I still don't know who the guilty party is, but I have some ideas LolI received this book free from Gallium Optronics Publishing as part of their Book Review program in exchange for a honest review. The opinions I have expressed are my own

Unveiling Love: A Regency Romance (A London Regency Romantic Suspense Tale Book 3), written by Vanessa Riley, is another GREAT installment of this romantic series! Every page keeps you wanting to turn to the next page to find out what is going to happen~ This installment has Barrington feeling rather hopeless about his marriage. So much has happened to come between he and his love. Can it truly be repaired? Will the truth of the situation harm or heal them? Can he truly make Amora believe in his love and can they truly stay together….keep reading to find out!! Great series...totally recommend! I was gifted this book in exchange for my honest review.

Looking forward to the next book. I work in the legal field so the barrister's life is very interesting to me.

Unveiling Love: A Regency Romance (Episode 3) is a wonderful addition to the serial. Amora and Barrington are still going through a rough patch in their marriage. But, at least, they are talking. Thankfully, their relationship is improving because it had hit rock bottom. I wish the vicar would disappear. He’s like a third wheel. But, enough, about the vicar; I can’t wait to find out who the Dark Walk Abductor is?Just got Episode 4 which was released today and I'm planning to dive in. It’s time to wrap up this masterpiece. Keep you posted. In the meantime, grab copies of this serial, you’ll be glad you did. Highly recommended!

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