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Mirrored Hearts: Sealed By Fire (Encounters Of The Heart Book 2)
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A STAND-ALONE NOVEL: From #1 Bestselling author Ann Marie Bryan comes this stirring and deeply satisfying new addition in the Encounters of the Heart series, about the struggles of two broken hearts, mended by enduring love and sealed by fire.When life takes unexpected twists and secrets are laid bare - remember to breathe.Larry Kanate and his wife, Rozene, would be considered a modern day power couple. Years in the making, they have managed to keep love alive while supporting each other’s dreams. Their undeniable love connection is unshakeable… seemingly unbreakable, until Larry discovers his wife’s crushing secret. As their picture-perfect world falls apart, she does everything in her power to get away from her past sin, but he is bent on never letting her forget it, all the while keeping his “little secret” close to his heart. When Larry’s day of reckoning comes, will fear hold him hostage or will he be completely honest with himself and God? Will their marriage be strong enough to survive mirrored secrets? Will their faith help them to handle the ultimate solution – a marriage sealed by fire?

File Size: 818 KB

Print Length: 322 pages

Publisher: Victorious By Design, LLC (February 4, 2016)

Publication Date: February 4, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #137,932 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #156 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #176 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #2278 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Romance

I have just finished reading Ann Marie Bryan's "Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire" and I am at a loss for words... which is saying a LOT, because I am a writer, myself. I found this novel to be particularly meaningful, because it urged me to look at myself -- a Christian, a wife, a mother, a writer, a teacher -- in a different light. I can honestly say it caused me to enter into some deep self-examination as it relates to being judgmental of the sins of others while carrying around sin that is no more or less "sinful" than theirs. I love a book that makes me think. This novel did more than that -- it made me pray.On to the writing: there can be no denying that Ms. Bryan has a way with words. A true wordsmith, she has the ability to transport you "smack-dab" into the middle of a scene. There were times I felt as if I was in the room watching the characters interact with each other. I could hear the emotion in their voices and feel the tension in the air. Brilliant writing.This novel was part two of a series, and while it works well as a standalone (you don't have to read the first to follow this one), I was amazed that by simply shifting perspectives, the writer was able to get me to feel sympathetic towards a character from the first series whom I absolutely did not like. It will be interesting to see how the next book in the series will unfold. I await the third installment with bated breath!You absolutely ROCK, Ms. Bryan! Keep up the great work!

After reading "Shades of the Heart", I couldn't imagine ever having any form of empathy for Larry Kanate. "Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire" allowed me to see Larry's character in a totally different light. It's very easy to cast sin upon others when we know that we all have sin and come short of God's glory. Ann Marie allows her readers to learn and experience the true meaning the phases of love. This series is on point and I can not wait to read book three to see if my views of Chandler can be swayed, lol.

After reading book 1 and the prequel to book 2, I was more than ready for book 2. I was prepared to be completely upset with Larry and his betrayal of trust with Gabrielle. I quickly found out that his side of story had a valid point. Whew! This book kept me teetering in heart-wrenching emotion. The story allows you to call into question your own beliefs and strengths, leaving you pondering how you truly would react in these rollercoaster of events. By the end, I actually found that I sided and pulled for Larry the entire way of the book. Talk about a stand up man! At his core, he honestly was that. The validity of why Larry did what he did paired with finding out the added portion of Rozene's true reasons behind the affair just softened my viewpoint more. Despite it all, the love they had for each other was undeniable and I rooted for them! My only issue was with Chandler. Though I wished he would just shoo away the entire book, I do wish we found out more about what happened with him mentally and emotionally because he really was borderline insane by the end of it. And the subtle mention of Madison and Tyler has me wondering...hmmm next book? I would hope so! All in all, I loved this book and this series. This is definitely a must read for singles looking for love and for couples to help them renew their strengths and perhaps air out their grievances so they do not fall into the same traps as Larry and Rozene. Through it all, it proves that with God on your side, earnest love and solid values, you can truly conquer it all.

Mirrored Hearts is the second book in the Encounters of the Heart series. Though it’s a stand-alone book, it is connected to the first book, Shades of the Heart. In the first book, Larry Kanate is a side character that has an affair with a married woman; however, in this book, he is the main character with his wife, Rozene. Personally, I really enjoyed the connection between the books. Mirrored Hearts is kind of like a spin-off of a great TV show. In it, the story unveils the events in Larry’s marriage that precipitated his affair, and that his wife was also unfaithful. Though dealing with difficult topics like infidelity and rape, the story is distinctly faith-based. It demonstrates the importance of prayer, Scripture, mentorship, and forgiveness in reconciling a broken marriage. I am not usually a fiction reader, but I really enjoyed the creativity, drama, and emphasis on faith throughout.

I have been following this story since Shades of the Heart and I have to say I was on the edge of my chair throughout this book. I was so mad at Larry for being so selfish - cheating on his wife plus causing so much pain to another man's wife. Then Mirrored Hearts: Sealed by Fire smashed all the anger I felt towards Larry. Rozene now felt the brunt of my anger.. I could not understand why someone which such a strong personality and christian values could be so easily lead. Mrs. Bryan expertly shows how this can happen to the best of us and how love, prayer and forgiveness can get us through the darkest and most frightening times in our lives. I cried and prayed and laughted.Now...about Chandler...not sure anyone can change my mind about him. Looking forward to book 3!

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