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He Saved Me
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He Saved Me Jason was a 29 year old man fighting his memory of his childhood life. He turned to drugs and violence and an escape from his path. He finally met a woman name Lisa that he wanted to spend his life with. Everything was good for a while he started being violent with Lisa. He didn’t mean to but he just could no longer control the drugs or thoughts that ran thru his mind. Lisa never had a real family and didn’t want to be alone allows it to continue. Till that one day when Jason went too far. While Jason ended up in the hospital fighting for his life and for sobriety Lisa was fighting for her unborn baby’s life. Can the doctors and medics get Lisa to leave Jason or can her unborn child give her the strength to leave? While in the hospital Lisa found some people that truly cared about her welfare. One person in particular that wanted to help Lisa was a medic named Mike that helped save Jason’s life. He lost his sister because of domestic violence and when he seen the condition Lisa was in he wanted to protect her from ever being hurt again. Lisa has a dream and talks with a voice that tells her that he will protect her and her baby. That he has always been there for her and he will always save her to just put trust in him. As Lisa is going thru her experience with the voice Jason is having a similar experience of his own with a voice telling him that he needs Jason to give out his testimony to others. That there are others that need to hear Jason’s testimony. Can Jason come clean off drugs and alcohol and help others? Will Lisa go back to Jason or will she find a family with Mike? Can God heal the hearts of Mike’s family? This story is about determination, faith and love and watch the gift of salvation take place.

File Size: 1447 KB

Print Length: 190 pages

Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0692390340

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Honey Bee Ink (February 3, 2015)

Publication Date: February 3, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #98,388 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #111 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #119 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #1815 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Urban

This book was a good read. This was my first time reading this author. I will continue to support this author in the future. It shows you how people can change with God's help. Keep up the good work.

First the story is inspiring and interesting. I think the editing need to be done to book again. There were a lot of mistakes. I like the plot of the story but the editing errors takes away from the story. I think if you would revise it would be banger it has a lot of mistakes or may be the formatting I don't know but I love the overall story but the editing errors is taking away from your story. It has a great message but I still have problem .Please edit this book!

Honey Bee wrote a fantastic book. I loved every page. Even though, at times I felt that Mike needed to give Jason a break. Because he was trying so hard to be a better man. Everyone should read this book, it really brings home the value of family and faith in God.

The book had an awesome message; forgiveness and God’s grace. I enjoyed the story do a great plot, but there was a ton of errors in the book, which took away from grasping the meaning of sentences. Mike was an awesome man, with a big heart. Jason had a rough life and did not seek out help until it was almost too late.

The story held my attention. I read it in one day and a half. Again I say that Christian Fiction books has a message from God and a lesson that we should lean on Him. Love it.😄👍💚

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