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Sins Of The Church 2
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Have you ever wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a mega church with over 2 thousand members? Surely the Bishop, First Lady, & First Daughter can’t all be angels…or can they? Bishop is all about the church only on Sundays though, because he is living a double life. First Lady Annice is not a fool and she can’t help but to ignore the Bible that she knows very well. “Vengeance belongs to the Lord” but Bishop has been so disrespectful, she can’t let it slide. She speeds up the process of revenge on her foul husband who is none the wiser. Anika is her father’s best friend but her loyalty begins and stops at her mother. Anika is not afraid to stand up to her father in her mother’s defense and no one is prepared to feel her wrath in just how far she is willing to go to keep a smile on her mother’s face. Cheating, false prophets, side chicks, money, secrets, and power in the pulpit always lead to disaster when one person in the equation is married living the single life. While Bishop is on the sidelines, Christ United is left vulnerable for the devil to come in and completely destroy the church and that is exactly what is done. Is First Lady Annice willing to stay on board and remain in her marriage after she learns of all the sins Bishop has committed against her? In Sins of the Church 2 love and loyalty are put to the test. In the Price family, blood or not- only the faithful riders stay the course. Find out who is covered up in more sin to keep the Price name in shiny new appearances to the public.

File Size: 485 KB

Print Length: 133 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Zi'ereBooks Presents (August 25, 2015)

Publication Date: August 25, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #95,212 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #44 in Books > Literature & Fiction > African American > Dramas & Plays #81 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Drama & Plays > United States #105 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian

Who would have thought things turned out the way it did. Annise stood up for her daughter just like Anima would have done. Annise and her mother-in-law were planning everything the day after Anima and Annise thought they fai!ed at the church. Annise had the church burned down because her husband and no one else was going to reap any more trouble that was dealt in the church over the last ten years.

This book should have been name Sins of the First Family, not Sins of the church. I have never seen a Bishop and his daughter with such a unhealthy relationship. Killing, lying cheating, drugs. The whole family is dysfunctional including grandma. If I went to this church I would have left a long time ago. I know this book is fiction, but it betrayed the real truth of a first family.

It's like the narrator tells the story like it's happening right now. Or it already happens it's weird. Many grammatical mistakes. I enjoyed the end though

Although it was a little bit confusing at times. over all it was a good book. It occasionally skip words so you didn't know who was talking.

This was a great book. I give this book five stars. This book kept you intrigue from beginning to end.

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