File Size: 5217 KB
Print Length: 391 pages
Page Numbers Source ISBN: 0692603972
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Big Spring Press; 2 edition (January 19, 2016)
Publication Date: January 19, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #28,016 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #46 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #47 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #194 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Religious
Warring Spirits completely swept me off my feet! Revisiting characters from Wounded Spirits and discovering new ones, this next book in the Creek Country Saga is sure to win April Gardner new fans everywhere! It's always a wonderful surprise when the second book turns out even better than the first (which was awesome to begin with! ;-), and that's exactly what I discovered in Warring Spirits. That first scene drew me into this fantastic adventure alongside two amazing characters--Phillip the soldier and Milly the slave.For Phillip Bailey, shackled to his haunting past, he understands and quickly come to sympathize with Milly--the young slave girl who looks every bit like a white person except for her frizzy hair. Throughout Warring Spirits, both Phillip and Milly are taken on a wild adventure as each struggles to find peace in a war-torn land. The ultimate journey for freedom seems to be continually thwarted for Milly, and no amount of Phillips secret aid helps her. It isn't until these two give the prize they both long for--freedom--to the Lord, that He returns it to them ways they could never have imagine.Everything about this book was delightful. From the very accurate, if gruesome, details of the history, to the believable characters. April isn't a cliché author, that's for sure--everything within this book is as close-to-life as possible for a book, and I love it even more for that. An issue that is present in this book is the use of beautiful slave girls for their masters. While April does an outstanding job of not going into too much detail, a slavegirl is raped within the book, though the actual incident takes place "off scene".
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