File Size: 811 KB
Print Length: 368 pages
Publisher: Zebra (May 31, 2016)
Publication Date: May 31, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
ASIN: B01501H29A
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #16,970 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #56 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Romance > Amish #57 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Amish #58 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Amish & Mennonite
This book moves at a different pace than others I have read by Charlotte Hubbard. It seemed to want to tell the slow in a slow, even pace and not rush the relationship between Edith and Asa which made sense since these two are sensible and even keeled individuals.Edith wants to keep the twins that she has found herself taking care of through a bizarre scenario her father is most adamant she not be part of. Edith is the most caring of the three sisters who relocated to the small Amish community but the one that will fight for what is right and what she wants, and these babies need her to be their mother. With the babies comes the controversy surrounding the man accused of fathering them despite his strong convictions to the contrary and the uncontrollable attraction Edith has toward Asa is not helping matters at all. But the heart wants want it wants and even a woman of strong faith and conviction can at times be led down a new path.Asa will clear his name, find the true father of those babies, and hopefully get win over Edith’s dat to etch a place for his craft and love for Edith. He is a hard working carpenter and his skill set can only add to the town’s crafting history and if Edith were by his side the vision he see for himself is a life filled with love, caring, home, and faith filled days and nights.
Charlotte Hubbard has came through with another great story from Willow Ridge. When reading this story the characters make you feel like you are a part of the community and can sit right down at the dinner table and be a part of the family. And you never know what twist and turns the story will take.Rotten
Generally I quite trust Charlotte Hubbard's books, but I'm afraid this one did not do much for me. While still written in her usual trusty style and storytelling ability, this is a book that took me about two weeks to get through. Not that the usual Amish romantic charm wasn't there and would not be appreciated by other readers, but this far too much on the soap opera end of the spectrum. Ms. Hubbard goes for intrigue when she starts off her story with a set of infant twins are dropped off at the home of young single Edith after a dispute over just who there father is. Edith of course takes them in while romancing one of the men involved in the dispute. In many ways it's a nice enough story, but rather boring. When things do get interesting at the end, it's really on the side of unbelievable rather than a compliment on the stoicism of the Amish. I suppose many readers won't mind, but not my favorite from Ms. Hubbard
A Simple Vow is full of surprises with new, but related, characters. For fans of Charlotte Hubbard's Amish fiction, this is not her best work; however, as, usual, her characters are realistic in the portrayal, and her stories are cohesive. After having read Promise Lodge, I thought this book would be another of that series with the same characters and setting;however, A Simple Vow is set in Willow Ridge with the characters in that setting.
Charlotte Hubbard's A Simple Vow is a great start to her Simple Gifts series. If you are already a fan of her books (and if not, you really should be), you may recognize some "old friends" as she takes us back to the fictional Amish community of Willow Ridge, Missouri.As usual, some of Charlotte's characters stretch the limits of the most conservative Amish factions and find themselves in some interesting -- and sometimes sticky -- situations. A new family has moved to town, a somewhat secretive and stern deacon with his three unmarried daughters; and their lives get pretty complicated with the addition of twin infants and some young Amish men from out of town.Charlotte outdid herself with a plot twist that caught me completely off guard. I will avoid spoilers and just say you will have to read the story for yourself. And even as the main story wraps up at the end of the book, there are questions to carry over into the next installment in the series.This new Simple Gifts series promises to be another great set of stories. You can definitely enjoy them on their own, but if you're interested in background details, I would highly recommend you check out Charlotte's Seasons of the Heart books.Fans of great Amish fiction should enjoy The Simple Vow. Thanks to the author for providing a copy in exchange for my honest review.
Edith Riehl is suddenly mother to twins, a girl and a boy. She feels this is God sending her what she can't have herself and oh, how she loves children. She lives with her sisters and Dat. Her mother is in heaven and as is the Amish way, the girls are taking care of Dat since they aren't married. Asa has asked her to take care of the twins until he can find out who the father is. He never met the mother, but her dying words declared her love for Asa. As soon as Asa laid eyes on Edith, something clicked. He was single and ran a furniture refurbishing company along with his brother. Edith's Dat is controlling and doesn't want the babies around but Edith will try her best to keep her promise. Edith wants what is best for the twins and what is right but her Dat doesn't want any part of it. Will Edith fall in love with Asa? Will she follow her heart or will she listen to her Dat? Will Asa and Edith find out who the real father of these babies is? The author gives the reader a rather slow paced, good clean read about Asa and Edith and their Amish faith, their possibility of love and family. She also throws in a real surprise concerning Asa's brother. You will be floored, I was. You must not miss reading this book, especially if you love Amish reads. Charlotte Hubbard never fails to give her readers what they want.I received a complimentary copy of this book from the author, Charlotte Hubbard and Night Owl Reviews in exchange for my unbiased book review.
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