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Malian's Song (Vermont Folklife Center Children's Book Series)
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Young Malian lives contentedly with her parents and extended family in an Abenaki village near Montréal in the mid-eighteenth century. One night, Malian’s life changes abruptly. Silently, her father carries her off to the woods, blanket and all, and orders her to run to their tribe’s winter camp. Malian obeys, but not before she turns to watch her father slip back to the village through the trees. She never sees him again.Malian’s Song is based on the true story of a deliberate attack by English Major Robert Rogers on Québec’s St. Francis Abenaki community in 1759. Malian's account of “Rogers's Raid,” passed down through generations of Abenaki oral tradition, reveals that many Abenaki people survived the attack that destroyed their village, in direct contrast to Rogers’ journal accounts. Jeanne Brink, a descendant of Malian living in Vermont, told the Vermont Folklife Center the little-known Abenaki version of the brutal attack. In this first Abenaki and English picture book, preeminent Abenaki historian Marge Bruchac and illustrator William Maughan portray Malian’s story of a people's strength and fortitude in the face of unspeakable loss.

Lexile Measure: 640L (What's this?)

Series: Vermont Folklife Center Children's Book Series

Hardcover: 32 pages

Publisher: Vermont Folklife Center (July 1, 2006)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0916718263

ISBN-13: 978-0916718268

Product Dimensions: 10.5 x 0.4 x 8.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 12 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 2.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (5 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,027,370 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #116 in Books > Children's Books > Geography & Cultures > Explore the World > Canada #434 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > United States > State & Local #681 in Books > Children's Books > Geography & Cultures > Multicultural Stories > Native North & South Americans

Age Range: 4 - 8 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 3

A Vermont Folklife Center Book written by Marge Bruchac and illustrated by William Maughan, Malians Song is far more than a children's picturebook - it preserves a piece of American and Native American history, as passed down through the oral storytelling traditions of the Abenaki Indians. Set near Montreal in the mid-18th century, as Major Robert Rogers prepares a murderous raid on the St. Frances Abenaki community, Malian's Song follows the experiences of a young girl whose life is about to be abruptly transformed through the impending violence. She escapes, along with many others, yet leaves behind friends and family, and copes with the drastic changes in her life by creating and singing the Loneliness Song. Except for a few minor details, Malian's Song is almost entirely based directly upon research and oral histories of Major Rogers' infamous massacre and the resulting fallout. Highly recommended.

The pictures in this book were fantastic, but the writing was dull and confusing. I'm not certain kids would be terribly into this book. There were some Abenaki terms that were not explained terribly well and a lot of kids would find this confusing.It's too bad, because this is some good oral history and it is a rare look at the Native side of the Saint Francis raid, but really the book doesn't talk about the raid aside from saying that it was happening. Not a lot of detail for kids, and not as good as it could have been.

I was thinking this was a good children's book because other books from the same VT folk-life were great. However, this includes a lot of native-american words without a pronunciation guide and deals with what I believe to be a mature subject (the attack and destruction of a native village by white (non-native) forces). The treatment of the subject matter was not appropriate for my 3rd grader...but the pictures and story-line are such that older children just would not be interested in this book. too bad. I think they could have picked better subject matter for a VT folklife book on native american/Abenaki heritage.

beautiful book!

This book is muddled in its story telling. But what I want to know is when the sequel will be written from the viewpoint of a settler child whose parents were murdered and scalped by Abenaki, and who was taken captive by them? And let's not forget the fate of the many brave Rangers on their return trip to Fort Number 4.

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