File Size: 19058 KB
Print Length: 128 pages
Publisher: Stone Arch Books (March 1, 2015)
Publication Date: March 1, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #953,719 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #83 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Exploration & Discoveries #266 in Books > Children's Books > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Exploration & Discoveries #1174 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Mysteries & Detectives > Detectives
This book takes place at an American History Museum. Wilson, a ten year old boy whose mom works at the museum, and his three friends named Amal, Raining, and Clementine meet up at the museum. Wilson wants to show his friends the new flag room at the museum. They enter the room and see that someone had used a black marker to make graffiti on one of the flags. The kids tell one of the security guards what had happened. He gets out a ladder and takes a look for himself and is shocked at what he sees.The kids venture off into a different part of the museum. They soon discover more graffiti work throughout various places around the museum. One of the new security guards thinks they did it and brings them to the Head of the Security. She knows the kids and knows that they would not do this. She yells at the new security guard defending the kids. She also asks the kids to find and make friends with the new security guards son. He’s not any nicer than his dad and both are raciest and prejudice. This doesn’t stop the kids from solving the mystery of the vandal.This is a great read for kids who are around ages eight to thirteen. It’s a fun and suspenseful book, but it also makes a very important point about treating everyone fairly and without prejudice. It’s important for people to not go around judging others by how they look or where they are from or stuff like that. This is a great book for kids to read with a parent or teacher so they can better understand these things.Review by Hayden S., age 8, SE Michigan Mensa
I am always on the lookout for fun books for my nieces and nephews and this entire series is just a winner on all levels. Amazing illustrations - great characters - and wonderful lessons on teamwork for kids. My nephews loved all of these - hope to see more soon!
This book is in the Museum Mysteries series, and is set in Capitol City. There are four friends who work together to solve the mystery and help someone who was unfairly blamed for a theft. Amal is the Somali female protagonist and she is 11. Her American Indian friend, Raining, is interested in Ojibwe culture. All the friends are associated with the museums in the city which provides many teachable moments throughout the stories. The other friends are Clementine who is 13 and love art, while Wilson Kipper is 10 and is interested in dinosaurs. Learning abounds in this series of books. This book is set in the Air and Space Museum, so facts about astronauts and historical space events are included.This book was given to me for Multicultural Children's Book Day 2016 and is being donated to a Minnesota school.
I loved this book and there is nothing I could change of it. I wold recommend it to my brother Neo. ( If he knew how to read) 😹
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