File Size: 1189 KB
Print Length: 156 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: February 27, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #185,764 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #215 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #251 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #5530 in Books > Literature & Fiction > African American
A New Beginning is the first book in the Blended Blessings Series and I'm expecting great things from this series by Michelle Stimpson and CaSandra McLaughlin. This is the story of Angelia who is on her third marriage and has two children, an eight-year-old son and a college bound daughter from a previous marriage and Darren who is on his second marriage and he has twin teenage daughters from his previous marriage. The story is seen through the viewpoint of Angelia, whose voice is filled with sista girl real talk. Not that far into the marriage, Darren gets a new job and moves Angelia and her children into a mini-mansion and she's pleased as punch. She feels that she's finally chosen the right one and she settles into making her dream home her own. Then "ding dong, ex-wife calling." Darren's ex-wife and their bratty twins enter the picture and Angelia's dream bubble bursts.This book sheds a bright light of truth on what it's like to be part of a blended family. It is also profound, showing the negative effect blending two families can have when both adults' and children's legitimate needs are neglected. The anointed writing styles of Authors Michelle Stimpson and CaSandra McLaughlin are indeed a blended blessing that you will not want to miss.
I enjoyed Michelle Stimpson books entitled Boaz Brown and Momma B but not this one.My thoughts are this was a bit g-fabulous. I main character was shallow and mean with her unnecessary drama and temper tantrums . It was as if she had never gone through anything in her life yet she was married for the third time with two children one of which she had as a teenager. I just wanted to say grow up!! Nonetheless I made a commitment to read to the end any book I purchased or I would have walked away from this one when I read the word "fleek" in the first few pages.Shelia was a good strong Christian who's story was probably very interesting.
I have always been a fan of Michelle Stimpson. Usually, her writing grabs a hold of me and I can't get enough. This book was predictable and rambled on and on. I skipped page after page and never missed a beat. She usually gives God All the Glory from a-z to the point where you can feel the Anointing.I have not lost Faith in her ability though, this one was just no where near her best. Therefore, I will not be purchasing the rest of this series. I hope it ends well.
I want to personally thank Michelle Stimpson for allowing God use her to team up with CaSandra McLaughlin to write a wonderful Christian Novella in the Blended Blessing Series. The writings are so anointed that even though this is a Christian Fiction Novella but this Novella can minister to someone that are planning to marry someone who have children from a previous relationship. The perfect definition of blended is to unite the children from both family together and make it into one. Also makes sure that everyone get along with the parents and the Children without the drama.
What an awesome & realistic read about blended families! I would gladly recommend this book to anyone marrying or remarrying & there are children involved. The story had so much truth in it & I love the way the authors kept it 100! The moral of the story...with God anything is possible!! I applaud u ladies!
I enjoyed reading this book. At times I felt the leading lady was very shallow and selfish, however, I could understand some of her issues. The book was written well with minimal grammatical errors, but I would have loved to know more about the husband. Overall, it was a good read.
I give this book 4 stars. It gives us an introduction of each of the family members that is blended whether by blood or marriage. In our own family lives, we face the same hurdles, disappointments and stress. It's Who we turn to that makes a difference, and this family knew that it's God. I'm looking forward to book 2 to really know more of their strengths and weaknesses. I know I won't be disappointed.
I've been wanting to read this book since day one but I didn't want to spend $2.99. I really like to pay .99 cents but since it wouldn't go on sale, I bought it. I must say I really enjoyed it and I'm anxious to read book 2. It's even higher so I guess I'll try to hold out for a sale or just break my .99 cent rule and get it. I would definitely recommend this book.
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