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Passion For Life (Quest Passion For Life Series, V. 1)
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Based on the award winning public television specials featuring: Stephen Covey, Richard Carlson, Deepak Chopra, Ram Dass, Caroline Myss, and other bestselling authors Four empowering programs in one original audiobook Conscious Living features Richard Carlson, Stephen Covey, Jean Houston, Sam Keen, Thomas Moore, Wayne Muller, and Marianne Williamson. Conscious Living provides listeners the life skills necessary to live each day mindfully and pursue our dreams in earnest. Conscious Aging includes Joan Borysenko, Deepak Chopra, Jean Houston, Sam Keen, Ondrea & Stephen Levine, Thomas Moore, and Caroline Myss. Is youthfulness a matter of attitude and beliefs, or can we take specific steps to develop eternal inner youth? Conscious Dying features Joan Borysenko, Ram Dass, Sam Keen, Elisabeth Kubler-Ross, Ondrea & Stephen Levine, Thomas Moore, Wayne Muller, John O'Donohue, and Judith Orloff. Forgiveness and compassion. When disaster strikes, when we lose someone dear, how do we find the road back to joy? Authentic Success includes Sarah Ban Breathnach, Richard Carlson, Jean Houston, Sam Keen, Thomas Moore, Wayne Muller, John O'Donohue, Judith Orloff, and Sir John Templeton. Enrich and improve the quality of your daily life with simple practices that help you breakthrough negative patterns, move from fear to love and achieve a life of fulfillment and authentic power.

Series: Quest Passion for Life Series, V. 1

Audio CD

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio; Abridged edition (March 1, 2002)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0743521056

ISBN-13: 978-0743521055

Product Dimensions: 5.8 x 1.1 x 5 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.5 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #3,871,513 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #90 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( C ) > Covey, Stephen R. #3391 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Self Help #3404 in Books > Books on CD > Health, Mind & Body > Personal Growth

It's true that unlike other programs this 4 CD set features a sound byte approach to ideas. It often alternates between statements from a number of mostly uncredited speakers. I was able to figure out most of them.However, this program has a number of things going for it.First, the CD are each centered thematically around one of the topics in the title. Second, there are some nice actionable exercises, particularly one by the Levines on breath. Write these exercises down yourself - it's easy. Third, and this was very meaningful to me, there are some people represented on this CD, especially Sam Keen and John O'Donahue that have not been recorded much on CDs. Since I listen to most of my audios in the car on CD, Listening to these two wise men was a treat.Sure, other programs might be more organized, but I found this moving in many spots. I did not find the "stream of consciousness" approach distracting, once I stopped trying to figure out who the remaining speakers were.I recommend this program to people intrigued with the topics. One caveat, though - Stephen Covey is billed on the material as a speaker, but he has only a couple of spots. So, buy it for the topics, but don't but it because of Covey.

I love this set. What I like most is that because of it's snippet-format, it is perfect to listen to in the car. Unlike an organized format;if I get distracted, I don't miss an important point. I love starting my day listening to "Conscious Living," it sets a very uplifting and positive tone for the rest of my day.

I've read a gazillion or so self-help and motivational books and articles and have listened to a few dozen more. This jewel of ageless wisdom, from the leading "success" and motivational writers and speakers today, is at the top-o-my-pile, a sure Top 5er.In fact, this compilation led me to several thinkers whom I'd not heard of before, so went out and got more of their materials too.If I were you, I'd buy a couple of extras to hand out to your best friends.

One of the best tapes I've listened to on spirituality and life lessons. Like a good book that you can repeat and get new things out it.The format having a blend of comments, stories, lessons from multiple speakers may not be for everyone, but I found it something that I looked forward to listening to on my commute and missed it when I was done.

I really enjoyed listening to this CD. Hearing what different teachers had to say about the topics was really great.I liked the fact that we were learning something from everyone. This is a great CD, and contains lots of wisdom and useful information.Very easy to understand for a beginner.

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