Audio CD
Publisher: Franklin Covey on Brilliance Audio; Unabridged edition (April 1, 2012)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1455893218
ISBN-13: 978-1455893218
Product Dimensions: 5 x 0.4 x 5.5 inches
Shipping Weight: 4 ounces
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (188 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #1,889,783 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #47 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( C ) > Covey, Stephen R. #1363 in Books > Books on CD > Business > General #5581 in Books > Business & Money > Business Culture > Motivation & Self-Improvement
The Stephen R. Covey engine has kicked out numerous books on self-help, and they consult 200 out of the top 500 Fortune companies. After all of those books and years, they have heard enough stories and waded through enough crisis situations to get a good handle on what works and does not work in all of those environments.Now, if you've read every book they're written, then undoubtedly you're going to begin this book and say "I've read this all before". Naturally, when they begin a book, they have to assume that some readers haven't read the other books yet. They have to catch them up on the background and basics. If you don't need that primer, then skim for a while. It's not a bad thing, it's a normal thing. It's how book writing works :) If you pick up book 5 of Harry Potter, you still have to go through a little bit of scene setting for the .00002% of the population who skipped the other books and lept into Book 5.So now, onto the key points of this specific book. Time management is good. Organizing your goals is good. But all of these things are only good if your goals are actually valid ones. If you spend all your time creating to-do lists, and carefully plotting out weekly goals ... but your goal is to get a "bigger fur coat" while your children are starving and you're miserable at work, something is out of sync. This book is all about making sure that what you do is what you REALLY want to do. It's about a higher level of time management.So they're not saying the other time management systems are bad. They explicitly say that each has its place in life! However, if you work very hard every day to climb a ladder, and find after many years that the ladder you've climbed was against the wrong wall, then you'll be very disappointed.
I enjoyed both "Getting Things Done" and "First Things First." And in various forums, it seems that each time management philosophy has it's disciples and detractors. Personally, I think the systems harmonize quite nicely.GTD is more about building a high performance task executing machine. You are the machine, of course, and David Allen seems to understand the mechanics of that machine quite well. For example, even though we are naturally skilled at planning - mapping out the steps needed to achieve a specific outcome - we are poorly equipped to remember the task we need to do at the exact moment when execution is required (it's why we set the book we can't forget in front of the door so we run into it on our way out of the house). This is because our minds can only focus on one thought at a time. Allen prescribes an extensive solution to capture every commitment, create to-do lists and reminders, and apply contexts so you can batch all of your activities while @ the store, @ home, or @ the weekly meeting. It's a nearly air tight method to make sure you don't drop the ball on any outstanding commitments (as long as you use it faithfully, of course).Covey on the other hand does not spend so much time ensuring you capture every task on your mind. His focus is on determining which activities are more important, based on your personal mission statement as applied to the various roles you play in your life (business owner, youth group volunteer, father, coach etc.
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