File Size: 2506 KB
Print Length: 126 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Difference Press (January 17, 2016)
Publication Date: January 17, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #144,034 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #56 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Conflict Resolution & Mediation #259 in Books > Self-Help > Communication & Social Skills #893 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Business Life
Dr. Kathy Obear has developed a method that will save hundreds of jobs, prevent hours of restless nights, and will contribute to building happier, more productive workplaces. And she’s presented and written it in such a way that we will be able to begin making changes in your life the very minute we decide to! Her ability to break down the steps of a reactive triggering event cycle so that we can understand how to proactively slow down or stop harmful thoughts and interactions is transformational. Turn the Tide helps us to know that we are not alone in experiencing difficult situations, but we can be the one who responds wisely to them. She has sincerely offered each of us a gift…it is up to us to open it and use it!
I was consistently one of the only women in a male dominated profession for nearly 20 years. I earned a seat at the executive table, but that didn’t mean I was accepted or welcomed or heard. The insights in this book would have been incredibly valuable to me at that time, where I too often let toxic people get under my skin, inhibiting teamwork, productivity and innovation on behalf of both of our teams. Turn the Tide helps you navigate challenging and emotional workplace dynamics to drop the drama and keep your integrity intact.
Turn the Tide is an excellent, practical resource for anyone interested in reducing workplace conflict – either for themselves or as a workplace conflict coach. Kathy Obear concretely helps people identify what is at the core of conflictual relationships, determining the source and offering practice guidance for successfully reducing and navigating conflict. It includes the core tenets of emotional intelligence - knowing the self in relation to others - to help readers rise to their full potential.
In "Turn the Tide" Dr. Kathy Obear presents a practical guide for identifying workplace triggers and responding to them in a more intentional and productive way. Each chapter is filled with helpful scenarios that illustrate key points. Each chapter provides helpful exercises to assist the reader in developing the tools to respond to workplace challenges in a positive, productive way. I felt as if I was getting a glimpse of what it would be like to work with a skilled life coach.
Dr. Kathy Obear takes 25 years worth of wisdom and experience and combines it into a clear, concise tool that we can use to learn how to live with less reactivity and more intentionality over how we show and up and interact with the world. Wonderful book whether you're in a toxic workplace or not!
I would rate this book as decent for both people working in an environment that is difficult and those seeking to prevent one. There's nothing ground breaking here but for many people, this might be the first time they've considered the concepts presented. For managers, it can be good recognize behaviors and hopefully, begin to address them.
You know that feeling of regret that you have five minutes after you react too strongly to the behaviors of others? If you can identify with that, then this is the book you must read. Using relevant stories and real-life examples, Dr. Obear’s approach recognizes the challenge in changing the way we interpret situations and project intention onto others. Obear walks you through a process for examining the “Intrapersonal Roots” of your triggers and then practical exercises for exploring alternate ways of responding. Maintaining positive relationships with others is a crucial skill whether in the boardroom, team meeting, or one-on-one with a co-worker. Managing our emotions and reactions in these interactions is key to maintaining those relationships.
Turn the Tide helped me to understand the reason why I get emotionally triggered and then it often becomes a runaway train. This dynamic has left me feeling unprofessional and frankly, embarrassed over the years. I believe that Kathy Obear has provided me with foundational tools to make a shift and change my reactions and behaviors in the future. Thank you Kathy!
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