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Predictable Results In Unpredictable Times: 4 Essentials For Great Performance In Good Times And Bad
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No one has ever faced times like these. Great corporations totter. Jobs disappear by the millions. Vast new economies seem to grow up overnight. This practical audiobook is about getting predictable results in good times and bad by applying four key principles.1. EXCELLENT EXECUTION―Winning companies have simple goals with clear targets and strong follow-through. All team members know what to do about the goals and they execute precisely.2. HIGH TRUST LEVELS WITH ALL STAKEHOLDERS―Low trust slows you down and raises your costs―especially in times of turmoil. But when trust levels rise, everything speeds up and costs go down. 3. ACHIEVING MORE WITH LESS―In tough times, everyone tries to do more with less, but the real question is “more of what?” Winning companies focus on giving more value―not just cutting back.4. TRANSFORMING FEAR INTO ENGAGEMENT―Unpredictable times create fear, stress, and worry―fatal distractions when you need total focus. Winning organizations entrust people with a mission they can believe in, channeling their anxiety into results.

Audio CD

Publisher: Franklin Covey on Brilliance Audio; Library edition (April 1, 2012)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 145589351X

ISBN-13: 978-1455893515

Product Dimensions: 7.1 x 1 x 6.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 9.6 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (13 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #3,354,145 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #78 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( C ) > Covey, Stephen R. #934 in Books > Books on CD > Business > Management #1868 in Books > Business & Money > Processes & Infrastructure > Organizational Learning

In business it is a team that carries the burden of success and if that team does not have clearly communicated executable goals with realistic expectations or there are no solid practices in place for follow through and responsibility then the company is in trouble. This book clearly and simply lays out a path for any company to put these "predictable" practices to use. The analogies to the Tour de France and the company case histories (both good and bad) serve to illustrate the powerful concepts of teamwork, communication, trust and value that serve as a fundamental structure for a winning group. Less than a 100 pages this book packs in billions of dollars of advice.

With only hundred pages, this book practically lays out the precepts to survive (and prosper) in this turbulent and unpredictable world.Covey is very more out of the "7 Habits" box this time by emphasizing:1. Focus on Top Goals(in limited supply of Resources)2. Identify Specific Jobs To Be Done (in downtime)3. Keep Score4. Regular Cycle of Follow ThroughIn another words:1. Execute Priorities with Excellence2. Move with Speed of Trust3. Achieve More with Less4. Reduce FearIn plain language and filled with practical examples, this book is surprisingly useful as a direction pointer in the age of Turbulence.

When the going gets tough...well, most people freak out! Faced with immediate threats and an uncertain future, they react tentatively and unpredictably, which only makes bad matters worse. Stephen R. Covey, who wrote the blockbuster The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People, and co-author Bob Whitman, CEO of the FranklinCovey consultancy (writing with Breck England, the firm's top consultant), offer a clear, doable strategy for maintaining and even improving your business during tough economic times. Their four-part formula is compact, encouraging, straightforward and actionable: "Execute priorities with excellence. Move with the speed of trust. Achieve more with less. Reduce fear." The only mild caveat is that the book is so elemental it may leave the reader - particularly the less-experienced manager ¬- wanting more. When hard economic times threaten to rock your boat, getAbstract suggests reaching for this book to help steady your craft in the storm-tossed seas.

In my opinion this book is merely a high level summary of the "Speed of Trust" and the "Four Disciplines of Execution". I would like to be clear that both of those books are outstanding. This book lacked the new, well researched principles and execution strategies that I associate with Dr Covey and his colleagues. I did not feel this book was the same quality as any of Dr. Covey's other books.

As usual, Stephen R. Covey (in this case with a couple of colleagues) manages to get right at the heart of important performance issues with minimum verbiage. He has a clear gift for the powerful metaphor. He avoids the popular psyco-babble. He always focuses on timeless principles that, when embraced, produce good results. A master storyteller, Covey illuminates the way to a more productive life. And he never lets you off the hook. Personal responsibility is his core doctrine. Excellent read in fewer than 100 pages.

Stephen R. Covey has done it again!This little and fast read book is packed with relevant, well structured and easily applicable practical inspiration on how to utilize the current economic downturn on the expense of the less ambitious competitors. The prescription within the book is as simple as it is powerfull: 1. Execute priorities with excellence, 2. Move with the speed of trust, 3. Achieve more with less, and 4. Reduce fear. As the economy is gradually beginning to recover the publishing of this little helpful book is no less than perfect timing. Therefore it is a must-read in 2010 for all ambitious businesspeople - from the youngest MBA students to the most senior Fortune500 CEOs!

This book has great advice for businesses, employers, employees, and the like. Anyone could read this and come away with extended knowledge that will help them in all aspects of life, which is what I love about Covey's books. I also read recently his "7 Habits for Highly Effective Kids" and was astounded at the advice that applies not only to children, but to adults as well. Great book for anyone.

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