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Primary Greatness: The 12 Levers Of Success
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From Stephen R. Covey—the late, legendary author of The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People—a new set of rules for achieving a happy and fulfilling life of primary greatness.Many of us are hurting. We have chronic problems, dissatisfactions, and disappointments. Although we generally make it through the day, a lot of us feel overwhelmed by burdens we carry. We try to “lift the load of life” each day and sometimes it’s just too much. The idea of living a “great life” seems a distant dream. Too often, however, we have the wrong idea of what a great life is. We think if only we had enough money, enough free time, enough good looks or popularity, everything would be great. If that’s what makes for a great life, no wonder so many of us feel so weighed down by the demands of everyday living. Stephen R. Covey believed there were only two ways to live: a life of primary greatness or a life of secondary greatness. Through his classic books and seminars, he taught that the intrinsic rewards of primary greatness—integrity, responsibility, and meaningful contribution—far outweighed the superficial rewards of secondary greatness—money, popularity, and the self-absorbed, pleasure-ridden life that some people consider “success.” Dr. Stephen R. Covey’s teachings are beloved and have inspired countless listeners and leaders. Primary Greatness once again delivers classic Covey wisdom in a compact and digestible form. In this posthumous work, Covey lays out clearly the 12 levers of success that will lead to a life of primary greatness: Integrity, Contribution, Priority, Sacrifice, Service, Responsibility, Loyalty, Reciprocity, Diversity, Learning, Teaching, and Renewal. For the first time, Covey defines each of these twelve qualities and how they provide the leverage to make your daily life truly “great.”

Audio CD

Publisher: Simon & Schuster Audio; Unabridged edition (November 24, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1442399309

ISBN-13: 978-1442399303

Product Dimensions: 5.1 x 0.7 x 5.9 inches

Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (14 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,150,580 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #28 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( C ) > Covey, Stephen R. #185 in Books > Books on CD > Business > Career #351 in Books > Books on CD > Business > Management

A great compilation of some unpublished articles of Dr. Stephen R. Covey into a new book that highlights the key differences of Primary Greatness (Success with depth and meaning through integrity, character and contributions, etc.) versus Secondary Greatness (Success through superficial types of fames, PR images and material gains or financial achievements, etc.), while also laying out the 12 Levers for achieving Primary Greatness as a much higher form of success that leaves legacy and positive impact for the good of others. I must congratulate the Covey's teams in launching such a great book since the departure of Dr. Covey. This book is relatively easy to read and understand, helping readers to do deep soul searching on one's existence and meaning. It is not about 7 Habits or the 8th Habit, making it less theoretical, yet still philosophical, with less jargons, yet more depth and less self-help in tonality.This book truly makes me think and reflect, upon a turbulent world that we live in nowadays. We are enslaved by the internet, social media, gadgets, and smartphones. We are more hooked into both quick-fixes and superficialities, while getting less and less in touch with our true inner voices. I cannot stop reading this book, once I got both the Kindle and Audible versions of it. Frankly speaking, for the past 4 to 5 years, I am mostly disappointed with the so-called new books published by Franklin Covey, since they are getting more and more commercialized, always repeating the same old stuff, especially spinning off from the "7 Habits brand franchise". But this time, when I read this new book, I found it more like the books of Dr.Covey in his earlier years (probably condensed from many of his older articles!

Stephen Covey is without doubt one of the most prolific business thinkers and writers in recent decades. As Sean Covey explains in the Foreword to this volume, the material in Primary Greatness was selected by his father’s colleagues from mostly unpublished essays. He died in 2012 after having produced thirteen books and hundreds of articles. He is probably best known for The 7 Habits of Highly effective People. I think the title of Primary Greatness could also have been “The Essential Covey” and the material can serve as an excellent introduction to his seminal thinking about major business subjects, especially leadership and organizational development.As Sean Covey explains, “This book is an excellent collection of several of my father’ best essays that have never appeared in book form and aren’t well known. But they are vintage Stephen Covey and contain some of his best thinking.” I agree.With regard to this book’s title, Covey continued to emphasize to his son that there are two ways to live: “Primary greatness is who you really are – your character, integrity, your deepest motives and desires. Secondary greatness is popularity, title, position, fame, fortune, and honors. He taught me not to worry about secondary greatness and focus on primary greatness.

“According to Dr. Stephen R. Covey, primary greatness is the kind of success that comes from contribution. By contrast, the trappings of success—position, popularity, public image—are secondary greatness. When you see the actions and behaviors of celebrities, famous athletes, CEOs, movie actors, or whatever, you’re seeing secondary greatness.Primary greatness is on the inside. It’s about character. Secondary greatness is on the outside. As Dr. Covey taught, ‘Many people with secondary greatness—that is, social recognition for their talents—lack primary greatness or goodness in their character. Sooner or later, you’ll see this in every long-term relationship they have, whether it is with a business associate, a spouse, a friend, or a teenage child going through an identity crisis. It is character that communicates most eloquently. As Emerson once put it, ‘What you are shouts so loudly in my ears that I cannot hear what you say.’”~ Stephen R. Covey’s colleagues from the Preface to Primary GreatnessStephen Covey is one of my favorite teachers.In fact, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People was *literally* the first book I ever read that introduced me to the idea that we could actually improve our lives and make a difference in the world.On the first pages of my book, I share this quote from 7 Habits as it so powerfully captures the essence of my work:“I believe that a life of integrity is the most fundamental source of personal worth. I do not agree with the popular success literature that says that self-esteem is primarily a matter of mind set, of attitude—that you can psych yourself into peace of mind. Peace of mind comes when your life is in harmony with true principles and values and in no other way.

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