File Size: 2138 KB
Print Length: 151 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Nothing But The Truth Publishing (June 9, 2016)
Publication Date: June 9, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #95,478 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #35 in Books > Business & Money > Human Resources > Conflict Resolution & Mediation #139 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Skills > Communications #548 in Books > Business & Money > Skills > Communications
I has read over 30 books on persuasion, from the popular reads by Robert Cialdini (Influence, Yes, etc.) to Fascinate, Maxium Influence, Nudge, Contagious, and many, many other. I also anxiously await Pre-Suasion which is on my pre-order list. I have even interviewed Roger Dooley the author of Brainfluence and the Persuasion Slide, in person (let it be noted it cost me a few Margaritas) for a couple of hours, in person. I too intend to write a book on this subject in the near future. I believe the subject is that important. And I am happy to report that Swayed by Christina Harbridge is an important, if not critical, addition to this list.Swayed is unlike many other books that act as a compendium of strategies, tips and ideas. Swayed explains the critical importance (and persuasiveness) of understanding, listening and communication. Ultimately it is the melding of minds that yields the ultimate outcomes and Harbridge's book shows you exactly how.A must read for anyone who is serious about persuasion and positive outcomes.
Great book to get at what's in the way of getting what you want. From business to relationships the scenarios and examples get at the heart of what matters most: achieving the desired outcome from communicating. As a CEO, the opportunity to enroll your team or alienate them lies in every missed context, every denial of accountability. Simple and brilliant reminder that it's up to me to make it be! For employees a new way to get what you want and need by trying on new ways to present information to leadership. For couples, why not movetowards listening versus reacting. The perfect communication handbook for getting ahead.
Full disclosure: I know Christina personally and, at a prior employer, was able to take a few days' worth of training with Christina. Neither of these, however, meant that I knew much about the breadth and depth of what Christina teaches, and the genius of her approach. As I learned while reading Swayed, I'd only scratched the surface.I'm generally not a fan of the self-improvement genre. I find too many books heavy on the platitudes and light on the practice. Swayed could not, fortunately, be more different. Through various (brief, effective, and realistic) models and exercises, and lots of memorable fables, Swayed not only convinces you to do things that best serve your outcomes, but shows you HOW to do them.I liked the book's consistent focus on outcomes, rather than self-sabotage in the interest of temporary feelings of justice and virtue. The example in the first chapter hooked me for that reason: It doesn't matter if you make your point, when you've completely lost your outcome. Who's right? Frankly, who cares, when you don't actually get what you want?I have a background in linguistics, and appreciated the Levels of Context model and exercises described in this book. Swayed takes decades worth of research on how people speak and listen and -- without even going into the academic theory -- states what is important, why, and how to apply it. You might be speaking, but if you're doing so in a way that makes it impossible for others to hear and understand you, you will never get the outcomes you want. This section of the book definitely made me realize (and wince) at some past career missteps here, but also provided explicit exercises on how to fix it.As the fables throughout the book show, the lessons in Swayed don't just apply in professional contexts, but in all human relationships. It's definitely changed up some of the language I use in communicating with my husband and in-laws!
I've been lucky enough to see Christina work her magic in person, and it is a transformative experience. Her deep insight about body language and unconscious communication habits guides her innovative teachings, and her belief in people’s ability to cut through their defenses and reach real understanding is truly inspiring. She explains models of communication that can roadmap through our most ingrained patterns of reactivity, and all in a compassionate, minxy voice that is a refreshing change from dry business communication books.
This is a very different book on communication - it gives a powerful methodology that impacts how we manage our own internal conversation and how we listen, perceive and interpret communication so that we can respond in a persuasive manner. This is much superior to other books on communication that just give methods of how to communicate. What Swayed does differently is allows me to be aware of my own emotional state so that I am not impaired by things like anger, fear or frustration which often superceed my ability to use a specific communication method. With the tools in Swayed I am able to make choices to speak powerfully and persuasively despite a challenging emotional state.
I'm lucky enough to take Christina's communication training in person, so I'm potentially biased here. Her first book, "Your Professionalism Is Killing You" had a daily impact on my communication skills. It especially came in handy as I was making my career transition from primarily an individual contributor to primarily a leader and manager of people.Management is ALL about influence, so I was excited when I finally got my hands on "Swayed". Via real world examples and an easy-to-understand cadence, Christina explores and explains the power of context and how thinking about it can chance the way you approach everything - from talking to your spouse to negotiating with your boss. Highly recommend.
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