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The Three Musketeers / Robin Hood
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Two classic adventures in one recording! Violence is downplayed, and the swashbuckling heroes are portrayed as humans with thoughts and feelings.

Audio CD

Publisher: The Well-Trained Mind Press; 1 edition (October 1, 2015)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1933339810

ISBN-13: 978-1933339818

Product Dimensions: 5.7 x 0.4 x 5 inches

Shipping Weight: 3.2 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.1 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #100,155 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #11 in Books > Books on CD > Children's Fiction > Classics #40 in Books > Books on CD > Children's Fiction > General #212 in Books > Teens > Literature & Fiction > Classics

Weiss comes highly recommended in homeschooling circles. Unlike one reviewer, I don't consider his voice to be "liquid gold" (for example, I prefer the sound of James Earl Jones) but it really is pleasant to listen to. I've heard samples of his voice before and wasn't overly impressed, given the glowing recommendations, but I found that his voice actually grew on me in this production. He voices characters pretty well, including women, but does not go really into character -- compared to his Prince & The Pauper (the only other complete recording of his that I've heard). And this truly is a recording that 5 year olds can comprehend and enjoy. The reason I gave this only four stars, though, is that I found his turn of phrase to be a bit awkward or not to my liking in certain parts. Still, he uses beautiful fluid language for the most part, enunciated clearly and powerfully. Plus, this is definitely much better than a lot of contemporary garbage that's out there (I couldn't help picturing Robin Hood as a fox, hearkening back to the Disney version I saw as a child). I happen to think his Prince & The Pauper was done better. As a side note: if you have your children listen to this, you'll probably end up having to discuss the right/wrong of stealing (even if to give back to the poor) in Robin Hood and the clandestine meeting between the Queen and the Duke (and whether that was a worthy cause to risk one's life for) in The Three Musketeers, plus the concept of falling "madly and hopelessly in love." These are all worthy discussions but you might want to be prepared in advance.

Jim Weiss's stories are well paced and interesting. Obviously abridged it has provided a good introduction to these stories to my five year old who now has me online looking for more! Mr. Weiss has, in some cases, simplified the language and concepts to ones that my five year old understand. A great tape for car rides, my three year old even loves to listen along.

My son (5 years) was already a fan of Robin Hood stories, first heard through a wonderful teling by the DK read & listen series, but this collection introduced him to the Three Musketeers as well, and is a nice change from the other he has listened to for over a year. He often requests this one now, and enjoys this almost as much as the other Weiss title we own, the Sherlock Tales. In the limited world of audio stories that fit the attention spans of younger listeners (vs book length versions often avail.) this, and other Weiss collections, are wonderful introductions to great stories.

If you must get this, get this for Robin Hood. I can explain this to a child. Good vs. Evil very clear.Can apply it to real life situations like politics/government. But The Three Muskateers was a poor choice for this reading. Covering up infidelity of the queen and defending her honor (what honor)? This gets confusing for a child. This is confusing to me! Another story would have been appropriate. We believe that there are consequences for personal actions. Stories can be powerful...we should be more discerning.I speak of myself as well...I was not familiar with this story...I should have checked out what The 3 Muskateers was going to be about before allowing my children to listen.

I have a few of Weiss's read aloud stories, and this was definitely not my favorite. The stories were too short, so it felt like he was cramming in too much and it made it very hard to follow. It was very fragmented. If it was a book written down, it would have been terrible literature. My 7 and 9 year olds weren't crazy about it either. I would not buy this again.

The Three Musketeers / Robin Hood Robin: Lady of Legend (The Classic Adventures of the Girl Who Became Robin Hood) The Merry Adventures of Robin Hood The Three Musketeers (Great Illustrated Classics) Book of the Night: The Black Musketeers Without Getting Killed or Caught: The Life and Music of Guy Clark (John and Robin Dickson Series in Texas Music, sponsored by the Center for Texas) Pickers and Poets: The Ruthlessly Poetic Singer-Songwriters of Texas (John and Robin Dickson Series in Texas Music, sponsored by the Center for Texas) The Riddle of the Robin (Wellie Wishers) The Robin Wood Tarot What the Robin Knows: How Birds Reveal the Secrets of the Natural World Robin Williams: A Singular Portrait, 1986-2002 The Adventure Collection: Treasure Island, The Jungle Book, Gulliver's Travels, White Fang, The Merry Adventures of Robin Robin Williams' 100 Greatest Jokes Fighter Pilot: The Memoirs of Legendary Ace Robin Olds How the Robin Got Its Red Breast Dick Grayson, Boy Wonder: Scholars and Creators on 75 Years of Robin, Nightwing and Batman Ninja Red Riding Hood Bilingual Tales: Caperucita Roja / Little Red Riding Hood (Spanish and English Edition) Lon Po Po: A Red-Riding Hood Story from China Red: The True Story of Red Riding Hood