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Managing The Nonprofit Organization: Principles And Practices
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Here Peter Drucker answers vital questions about hospital administration as he presents clearly and directly the tasks, responsibilities and practices that must be followed to run these organizations successfully.

Hardcover: 235 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins; 1st edition (November 1990)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0060165073

ISBN-13: 978-0060165079

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 6 x 8.5 inches

Shipping Weight: 1 pounds

Average Customer Review: 4.5 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (87 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #377,488 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #395 in Books > Business & Money > Small Business & Entrepreneurship > Nonprofit Organizations & Charities #1128 in Books > Textbooks > Business & Finance > Management #4488 in Books > Business & Money > Management & Leadership > Management

As usual Peter Drucker has come up with an enlightening piece of management theory. This book is for anyone entering the world of non-profit.Mr. Drucker details the unique motivations of the non-profit organization and explains the management methods necessary to navigate this organization type.Another great work by Drucker. Even if you are not in the non-profit world I recommend that you read this.TABLE OF CONTENTS:PART ONE: THE MISSION COMES FIRST: AND YOUR ROLE AS A LEADER. 1. The Commitment. 2. Leadership Is a Foul-Weather Job. 3. Setting New Goals-Interview with Frances Hesselbein. 4. What the Leader Owes-Inteview with Max De Pree. 5. Summary: The Action Implications.PART TWO: FROM MISSION TO PERFORMANCE: EFFECTIVE STRATEGIES FOR MARKETING, INNOVATION, AND FUND DEVELOPMENT. 1. Converting Good Intentions into Results. 2. Winning Strategies. 3. Defining the Market-Interview with Philip Kolter. 4. Building the Donor Constituency-Interview with Dudley Hafner. 5. Summary: The Action Implications.PART THREE: MANAGING FOR PERFORMANCE: HOW TO DEFINE IT; HOW TO MEASURE IT. 1. What is the Bottom Line When There is No "Bottom Line"? 2. Don't's and Do's-The Basic Rules. 3. The Effective Decision. 4. How to Make the Schools Accountable-Interview with Albert Shanker. 5. Summary: The Action Implications.PART FOUR: PEOPLE AND RELATIONSHIPS: YOUR STAFF, YOUR BOARD, YOUR VOLUNTEERS, YOUR COMMUNITY. 1. People Decisions. 2. The Key Relationships. 3. From Volunteers to Unpaid Staff-Interview with Father Leo Bartel. 4. The Effective Board-Interview with Dr. David Hubbard. 5. Summary: The Action Implications.PART FIVE: DEVELOPING YOURSELF: AS A PERSON, AS AN EXECUTIVE, AS A LEADER. 1. You Are Responsible. 2.

Non-profit institutions, the agents of human change, have moved from the margins to the center of American society because government has limited ability to perform social tasks. As non-profits are the nation's biggest "employer" when considering the numbers of hours contributed by volunteers they need good management. There is not much material available to help non-profit leaders and management with such areas as mission, strategy, organization, marketing, raising money, innovation, use of volunteers and human resources, the role of the board, and relationships with a diversity of constituencies. This lack of material combined with high levels of commitment may contribute to the high rate of burnout. Although non-profit institutions have been America's resounding success and growth industry over the last fifty years they still receive only 2-3% of GNP while the share for medicine and education has increased several times. Drucker considers the first task ahead for non-profits to be the conversion of "donors" into "contributors." Contributing time to a non-profit gives people a sense of community, purpose, direction and the ability to perform and achieve. But most non-profits still have to learn this. This book therefore sets out to do two things: provide advice from the business world appropriate to the non-profit and, through interviews with distinguished non-profit performers, show what can and should be done.The book has five sections, the first being "The Mission Comes First: and your role as a leader." I provide a few snippets that were particularly meaningful to me. Some mission statements work while others don't work, the ultimate test being right action.

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