Audio CD
Publisher: Command Performance Language Institute, Blaine Ray Workshops; First edition (September 10, 2008)
Language: Spanish
ISBN-10: 160372043X
ISBN-13: 978-1603720434
Product Dimensions: 5 x 4.8 x 0.3 inches
Shipping Weight: 0.3 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.3 out of 5 stars See all reviews (15 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #175,550 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #10 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Spanish #393 in Books > Reference > Foreign Language Study & Reference > Instruction #427 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > General
This set of little teaching novelles in Spanish are for me, at least, most ideal. I started with the Level I booklets and stopped when the grammar needed the past tenses. I got myself a Spanish Tenses workbook and worked that 3/4 thru.There ARE plateaus and I am willing to suffer thru those. I got back to the little novelles and continued. I am now on Level III. The index words do help, but I also use my dictionary and the 501 verb conjugation book, at times to verify if the past is the 2. or 3. tense. Still a little shakey here. But I see patterns.These little booklets are very well worth your time and money. Don't expect to have it all in super literary quality. Forget being Sherlock and looking for rhyme and reason or perfect sequencing of events. This is for teaching first, reading first and also some fun.I really can not believe how much I learnt!!! using Marcus Santamaria's system first up to Bola de Nieve, and then getting those self-teaching workbooks for prepositions, (I thought there really were only 7.... like the Bear went over, thru, around... Oh was I in for some happy learning surprise) and the Tenses Workbook. I esp love the translations there. The answers are given.
I love this series of books. I'm learning Spanish on my own and these are great to read for practice and even read out loud to practice saying the words. The books are simple but not totally boring for adults. I think the authors were very thoughtful when they put this series together. The series comes with books that get progressively more difficult at the right steps for a learner who wants to read more and more. I'm not good enough to read the newspaper in Spanish, yet, so these books are great and at a good price.
We read "Ojos de Carmen" in level 3 of Spanish HS. It is fun to listen to the story being read. They don't speak too fast. The pronunciation is very clear. Highly rec. these tapes to go along with the book.
our conversational spanish group is listening to the audio and reading the book. everyone has bee entheusiastic about learning this way. found lots of good questions and back up for this on line. would highly recommend this for comprehension and practice in listening and speaking.
Instead of thumbing through a Spanish-English dictionary that would give you multiple meanings of the word, this book has a glossary that tells you the exact meaning as used in the book. I found that more helpful and the convenience helped me finish the book faster. I'll be re-reading this every time I'm on the plane.I would like to see more of this kind of book.
I would have given this CD a 5 star rating except for the extremely annoying background side effect noise. Otherwise good practice for for past participle and other verb forms.
I now see that the item is just two CDs. The reviews mention it being a book and CDs. There is no written material with this product.
was bought as a required book for my daughters spanish 3 class. She enjoyed as much as one can I guess
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