Series: A Hodder Education Publication
Audio CD
Publisher: Hodder Education Publishers; Com/Cdr/Bk edition (September 1, 2014)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1444790692
ISBN-13: 978-1444790696
Product Dimensions: 9.3 x 2.7 x 6.7 inches
Shipping Weight: 1.4 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)
Average Customer Review: 4.4 out of 5 stars See all reviews (48 customer reviews)
Best Sellers Rank: #44,106 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #6 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Language Instruction > Spanish #26 in Books > Books on CD > Nonfiction #71 in Books > Textbooks > Humanities > Foreign Languages > Spanish
Based on many reviews, it would seem that Michel Thomas courses are miricles on CD. I wanted to check out this for myself, as I am very interested in learning languages, and more efficient ways of doing this are always welcome. I finished the final lesson of the basic 8-CD course and can conclude that it is worth the time and money I invested into it. Here is why:If languages were complicated PC games, Michel Thomas has created the perfect beginners tutorial for this game (of Spanish). Just as many PC games have complicated rules and systems to internalize, languages possess grammar and vocabulary nuances that you must internalize. Like a very well-refined and balanced game, Michel Thomas teaches you one or two language principles, and the moves on to another closely related principle. The progression is very logical, and rather than overwhelming you with a series of rules and the exceptions to the rules, you are taught a principle, then given "room to breathe" in whatever principle you learn. Once you are comfortable using that piece of the language, a variation of that rule, an exception, etc. is introduced to challange you.To be honest, it feels very similar to a well-designed Zelda dungeon. As you navigate the level and acquire new tools, the level design tests how well you can use that tool in different situations. This all culminates in a boss fight that is akin to the "final exam" of the skills you have learned. In this course, Michel Thomas is always pushing your newly acquired Spanish skills into ever more difficult territory, with "boss exams" of longer, complicated sentences are there that employ all of the recently learned language principles. When you successfully say such sentences, it feels like a victory.
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