File Size: 1841 KB
Print Length: 117 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: March 21, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #19,159 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #6 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Skills > Business Writing #8 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Marketing & Sales > Consumer Behavior #11 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Reference > Writing, Research & Publishing Guides > Publishing & Books > Authorship
Writing and marketing a book is simple...said no one ever! In fact, the reserve is all too common. If it were easy, many more people would fulfill their lifetime dream of writing and launching a book. So once you have decided to publish a book, how can you write it in a way that attracts people to want to buy and read it? I've read a lot of articles on this exact topic and so I was interested to see what I could learn from Sally's latest offering.Her book is conveniently divided into 4 steps. Each of these steps deals with an important aspect of marketing your book. She starts off talking about creating a "WOW Statement" which is a great way to position your book so that it gets the attention it deserves. She then talks about 7 online and offline strategies to attract more readers. Many other topics are then discussed from a very practical perspective, these include choosing categories, finalizing a cover, title, subtitle, formatting, and MANY other relevant topics.There seems to be so many things to do to launch a book and I can imagine if you did it wrong it could really mess up the success of what you plan. I'm therefore glad the author details how to set up a launch team so your book hits the market with a bang!Later in the book, I appreciated the tips the author shared about building a list through landing pages, blogs and your website. I also liked the information on communicating with your list and building a profitable business. Thank you.
Make money from Kindle Self-Publishing by author Sally Miller offers new INDIE authors a comprehesnive blueprint that gets you to take action and make more money from your books. Although I have already published several titles, I gained a lot of knowledge from this book, and it is ceratinly the perfect starting point if you are looking to self-publish your book.As a non-fiction author, I know that there is a lot of competition out there. This is why we need to be strategic in our approach to how we can get our books in front of as many reeaders as possible. This book shows you the basic steps that still work to help you do that.This book is well-structured that anyone, even if they are completely new to the game of self-publishing, can start to take action on what they need to do to get their books out there.The key takeaways are:- Finding your readers online and offline: a great section on getting your readers to discover where your books are and how to gather your tribe of followers most liekly to download your books when the time is ready.- Strategies you can start doing right away to sell more books- How to let find your readers- Choosing the right categories and keywords, and how to get your book into that "hidden" category;- Choosing a great title for your book that sells!- Editing, Formatting and getting a winning cover made- pricing Your book;- Book descriptions; AND- The basics of email marketing and how to create a simple autorepsonder system.What I realkly like about this book is, it reads very easily in a way that a new author can gain enough to get over any resistance they feel about writing and publishing.A definite read for making money from your books and building your author platform!
This book is so refreshing in its detail and honesty. Many books in the genre are replete with "smoke and mirror" promises, which leave the majority of readers filling empty and frustrated. Sally instead erred on the side of caution, giving people a frank snapshot of what life is like being a self-published author, what you can 'reasonably' expect to earn, and how to turn books from a single money-making modality into a broader business model. "Hats off" to Sally for the inexhaustible energy she poured into this and such actionable tips!
This book gives super positive and clear instruction on how to succeed in publishing. I couldn't put it down, and I had no trouble understanding the concepts. Ms. Miller includes illustrations as well. Anyone who has dreamed of writing a book and creating a new and lucrative career should get this book pronto. It will give you powerful knowledge on how to become a bestselling author.
As an admirer of Sally Ann Miller's blog and her first book, Make Money On Airbnb, I was eager to read this new book knowing it would be packed full of sound advice, clearly and concisely written. It does not disappoint. In fact, it exceeded my expectations. The author breaks it down into doable steps. She is encouraging and resourceful. A must-read for aspiring writers.
Highly recommend this extremely well-written manual and will add to my toolbox for when I publish my next book. Thank you Sally, I thoroughly enjoyed reading, 'Make Money from Kindle Self-Publishing and picked up many tips.The planner is absolutely brilliant and it's worth getting the book just to be able to get your hands on this planner!
This book is one of the best I've seen for authors starting out in self publishing. It covers all the basics and then goes a step further and addresses how to take your book to the next level. I love the WOW statement. So easy to refer back to and use throughout your work. With information on building your email list, tripling your ebook income and how to get reviews early on, this book is worth its weight in gold. Easy to read and implement. Highly recommend.
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