File Size: 7917 KB
Print Length: 1776 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: CCH Inc (December 4, 2013)
Publication Date: December 4, 2013
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #588,433 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #20 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Taxation > Corporate #41 in Books > Business & Money > Taxation > Corporate #5144 in Books > Business & Money > Accounting
The 2012-2013 volume left me hanging on tenters' hooks. Would the 83(b) election survive? And who, or what, exactly is this "de minimis fringe?" Spoiler alert: 83(b) makes it into this book. But de minimis fringe remains elusive as ever. I'm about 1/4 of the way into it (have recently developed tax-narcolepsy, which makes it difficult to devour this as quickly as I would like) and loving every page.[In all seriousness, if you are taking a course in Individual Income Tax, this is a handy book. Yes, you can find it all online for free, but this collects all the relevant material in one place. It's well laid-out, in a type-face that won't give you headaches, and has decent margins for notes. The only way it would be better is if it were lighter and had a sturdier cover.]
You seriously want a rating for this book? It's the Tax Code - no one *really* wants to read the tax code, but some people have to. I'm a law student taking Federal Income Taxation, so of course I needed to get this book. But no one *chooses* to get this book (at least no normal, sane person).Now, in terms of the book itself, it's a well put together, has the relevant code sections and Treas. Regs. I need for class, and is easy to find what you're looking for. Would I recommend it for accounting or tax law students? Yes. Would I recommend it for accountants, tax lawyers, and anyone else involved in tax in their daily lives? Yes. Anyone outside of those interested in tax? No, there are much better stories out there.
If you are far-sighted this is not the book for you. The writing is very small. Otherwise splurge on this great tax code, you've earned it.This is a better book for one taking 2, 3, even 4 tax classes in a law school or accounting program because it contains all of the most important code sections and treasury regulation sections. The rest can be found online if needed. However, for one in a tax masters program or tax LL.M. program you'd likely be better off with a version that includes every single code section as you'll be spending some time with the more obscure ones.
This book is as expected. Convenient reference to the IRC and the applicable regulations. Great, other than the size (which can't be helped).
Fast shipping, Book as described. very pleased with the purchase
Exactly how I figured it would be.
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