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Federal Tax Research
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With FEDERAL TAX RESEARCH, 8e, you will come to understand the latest techniques in tax research and the way this relates to the CPA exam. The eighth edition offers a new chapter on international tax research, an expanded review of tax ethics, and real-life cases to help you see the big picture of federal tax law. No other text can better prepare you on tax research procedures and multiple hands-on applications!

Hardcover: 572 pages

Publisher: South-Western College/West; 8 edition (February 26, 2008)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 0324659652

ISBN-13: 978-0324659658

Product Dimensions: 10 x 8.4 x 1.1 inches

Shipping Weight: 2.6 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.6 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (18 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #1,414,218 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #72 in Books > Business & Money > Taxation > Corporate #413 in Books > Textbooks > Law > Tax Law #1246 in Books > Law > Tax Law

As the title implies this is a very good research methodology book for the practical user. I have been doing legal research for over 8 years and this book still provided me with some real, practical tips that have made my research faster, more accurate, and especially more efficient. I would recommend this to any tax lawyer or tax professional who is looking to beef up his or her researching skills.

I found the material to be well-organized, clear, and thorough. The graphics and exercises further served to reinforce the material. The textbook though should have embedded additional examples that pertained to calculations (e.g. penalty calculations). Overall, the textbook is a strong choice to educate the readers in the methodologies and legal underpinnings of federal tax research and the workings of the Internal Revenue Service. Instructors can gear the material for students of varying aptitudes.

Federal Tax Research 6th Ed is an excellent textbook. The 7th Ed is coming out and I would recommend if possible getting it since there clearly are some updates to the federal law that are in order. The text was one of the better books that I have used in graduate school. Indeed it is written FOR graduate students. The text was clear and the exercises were excellent. One caveat: it is imperative to have access to RIA, BNA, Westlaw, CCH, LexisNexis, and others list in the text in order to gain the maximum benefit from the research materials. Otherwise some of the studies in the middle chapters will not be as beneficial. The related online quizzes and PowerPoints were very helpful. My class did not provide answers to the text questions. A major limitation in my studies.

In a consistent changing environment, taxation research receives a well written, step by step guide with this book, to help the tax professional to find the information necessary to help taxpayers.

It seems this book still wants to teach people how to research tax issues the old fashioned way; by searching through thousands of loose leaf pages. It doesn't seem the authors completely understand everyone uses computers these days and we all know how to use search engines (one of the questions at the end of the chapter actually asks you to write down the synonyms for "car"). But if you need someone to help walk you through step-by-step on how to make a search in RIA or CCH's online tax research services then this is the book for you. I find it, however, to be mediocre and very slow paced.

This version is older; however, the techniques are valid. Price difference is significant and appreciated! I could this edition quite helpful.

It is a required textbook for class. Aside from that, it was well written and will provide me with useful skills in the future.

Delivered as promised, no complaints.

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