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El Conde De Monte Cristo (Spanish Edition)
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The Count of Montecristo Alexander Dumas (3 CDs - 3 Hour & 20 Minutes) The Count of Monte Cristo, Audio Book dramatized in Spanish based on the original story by Alexander Dumas, is one of the most popular novels of love and revenge of all times. It is the story of Edmund Dantes, a young sailor (Performed by Luis Jose Santander) that the day that he was named Capitan of the ship the Faraon and was planning to marry to his beloved Mercedes, was arrested for treason caused by a planned conspiracy done by people that envied him. After many years in prison in the Chateau D?if, he met a priest, the Abbe Faria, who imparted the knowledge and showed him the way to a great treasure. After escaping from prison and already powerful with a great fortune, Dantes assume the role of the Count of Montecristo to execute his revenge slowly finishing his accusers.

Audio CD

Publisher: FonoLibro Inc.; Abridged edition (September 25, 2003)

Language: Spanish

ISBN-10: 0972859802

ISBN-13: 978-0972859806

Product Dimensions: 0.8 x 5.5 x 4.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.7 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (10 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #839,441 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #51 in Books > Books on CD > Languages > Spanish #198 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Classics #572 in Books > Libros en español > Literatura y ficción > Clásicos

El Conde de Monte Cristo me trae muchos recuerdos maravillosos. Lo lei en 1973, durante un tiempo que estuve con muchos problemas y este libro fue mi escape. Me ayudo a seguir siendo valiente para seguir adelante. En 2003, le comente a mi nieto de 12 anos sobre este libro y tambien lo leyo, y le parecio estupendo.

El Conde de Montecristo es una novela de Alejandro Dumas que maneja amor, pasión y venganza en una forma magistral.Estoy seguro que le conmoverá y lo hara reir y llorar. No debe dejar de leerla/escucharla. Esta presentación trae 3 CDs en una versión abreviada que es estupenda con una calidad de sonido excelente.La novela es apta para jóvenes, además es una buena forma de practicar español.The Count of Monte Cristo is a superb novel by Alexander Dumas. Its main team is love and revenge done in a masterly novel.I am sure it will make you laugh and cry. Don't doubt it, it is amazing. This one has 3 Cds in abridged presentation with a magnificent sound quality.This is also a nice novel for young people and it is good for spanish practice.Enjoy it big.

If you are learning Spanish, or already know the language, you certainly will enjoy this reading... not just for the exquisite story involved, but to the way Alejandro Dumas (R.I.P.) managed to describe in order to make the readers go away into their imagination.

It's ok. The book itself is great but the audio book is really closer to a script from the recent movie with Guy Pearce and Jim Caviezel so the real story and written artistry is lost. It was boiled down to about 3 hours.Está bien. El libro en sí es excelente, pero el audiolibro es más como el guión de la más reciente película con Guy Pearce y Jim Caviezel. Se pierde lo bueno que realmente es la historia y la calidad del autor. El audiolibro es aproximadamente 3 horas.

The story itself by Dumas is passionate and inspiring.the best book I''ve ever read, has been Montecristo. you feel like you are Edmond how this tale takes you to surrender your good soul into what I call the great the end you can judge what god has to say as a lesson of our own lives.

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