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Warriors: Ravenpaw's Path #3: The Heart Of A Warrior (Warriors Manga - Ravenpaw's Path)
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Ravenpaw and Barley helped their friends in ThunderClan defeat the vicious BloodClan cats in Twolegplace. Now they're ready to fight to reclaim their home on the farm. Firestar has promised to send a warrior patrol to assist them, but Ravenpaw worries that it won't be enough to chase out the invaders. He knows that he must find his courage and fight like a warrior—or lose his home forever.

File Size: 56012 KB

Print Length: 112 pages

Publisher: HarperCollins (December 1, 2015)

Publication Date: December 1, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English

ASIN: B01767Z1MQ

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Best Sellers Rank: #224,081 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #42 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Comics & Graphic Novels > Manga #181 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > Animals > Cats #221 in Books > Children's Books > Comics & Graphic Novels > Manga

This was a fairly good book, revealing much about Sasha's origins and Tigerstar's time in ShadowClan. Sasha is much more meek than how she is portrayed in the TNP series, and her feelings for Tigerstar and her reasonings for wanting to be with him are explained. The story is told from her vantage point, up to the end where we are left waiting for the next book. It is admittedly overshadowed by the great Eclipse, (properly named) which has brought back Warriors fans everywhere, but the art is good, and I am left anticipating the next book, which promises even more. The book is slightly overpriced for one of it's size, and the fact that it is not an actual novel, but I do recommend that you read this one.

I got this book when I was nine, and I still read this book, now at age 12. Whenever I read it, my 2 siblings come over, and I read it aloud to them. I like the depth of Tigerstar and Sasha's characters. It is really interesting the way Mothwing and Hawkfrost are raised as kits. But I reccomend to buy the other 2 in the series too, because it is really suspenseful. I highly reccomend this book.

I was unaware of the Warrior Cat series created by Erin Hunter until recently. I usually do not read books aimed at children but because I am a cat lover and I am also involved in the warrior arts and its philosophy, I started reading some of the books in this series. The first book I read in this “warriors” series was “Warriors: the ultimate guide” and loved it.I just finished reading the (Warriors: Tigerstar & Sasha: Into the woods Graphic novel) Warriors book and enjoyed it, but I did find it to also be a dark theme. In this book Sasha who was a loved house cat with an elderly couple is thrust into a new and frightening life alone outside. All her life she had been an indoor cat, but she was able to go in and out because of a cat door in the house. She would often visit a neighbor’s cat and explore around the area; however, she was still used to the love and comfort of living with humans.Sadly, she realizes she is all alone and enters the woods. She finds plenty of prey to hunt and eat in the woods, but she also discovers there are cat clans. She meets the head of one of the clans named Tiger Star and a new life begins for her. Tiger Star invites Sasha to meet the other cats in his clan, but there are also conflicts and factors that make Sasha suspicious of Tiger Star’s motives. The end of this graphic novel has Sasha confused as to what to do with her life. This ending leaves you wanting to read volume two of this series to find out (Escape from the Forest) what happens to Sasha.I enjoyed reading this graphic novel but I would imagine some children might not like the beginning of this book when Sasha is left alone by the humans. This is actually a very dark story that really has no happy ending which children may not understand.Rating: 4 Stars. Joseph J. Truncale (Zen Poetry Moments: Haiku and Senryu for special occasions).

The book was delivered on time. Condition was exactly as described.It turns out my child is a little young yet for the Warriors storyline, so we have to skip the "scary parts", but the graphic novel format is excellent for developing reading skills.

The continuing story of Ravenpaw. Kids of all ages will enjoy reading.Can't wait for the next installment of Warriors.

I am fairly new to the Warriors series, though my son is not. As part of my continual effort to keep up with my kids' interests, I decided to read one of my son's library books before I returned it.This is part of the Manga series, so it was a fairly quick read. It is the final chapter of this set, and although I didn't have any reference for what had happened before, the story kept moving forward, making minimal, passing references to events that had happened previously. I liked this, as I found I wasn't lost, nor bogged down in backstory.Read the full review here:

My 11-yr old son has every Warriors book. He reads them faster than they can put them out. I didn't know if he'd love these as much, just because they are more of a comic-type book than the regular books, but he does. He looks for them, waits for them to come out, he loves them, too. So I get every one. And then he reads them over and over. Great series!

From all of the other Warrior books, the point of view was always from a Clan cat. In the regular serise, we barely ever heard about Sasha. When I read from her point of view, my entire look at her was so different. I also never thought that Tigerstar could actually love anything other than blood and power. I liked the different change of view and it was unexpected.

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