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Tracking An Assassin! (Nickolas Flux History Chronicles)
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When a spontaneous time leap sends Nickolas Flux back to the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, what's a teenage history buff to do? Join the hunt for the presidents killer, of course! From the crack of the fatal shot to the hunt for John Wilkes Booth, Nick arrives at one of the most pivotal moments in American history.

File Size: 16317 KB

Print Length: 40 pages

Publisher: Capstone Press (November 1, 2014)

Publication Date: October 1, 2014

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #1,184,647 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #137 in Books > Children's Books > Comics & Graphic Novels > History #218 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > History > United States > 1800s #263 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > History > United States > Civil War Era

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