File Size: 1594 KB
Print Length: 414 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Choose Yourself Media, LLC (January 8, 2015)
Publication Date: January 8, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #9,221 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Industries > Consulting #3 in Books > Business & Money > Small Business & Entrepreneurship > Consulting #30 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Entrepreneurship
I never write book reviews, yet I felt so compelled to write this one because this book resonated with me. I had wet my phone the other day so I was without a phone for a few days. During those days, I decided to bring my kindle along instead. I read this book every day on my commute to work instead of browsing the internet like always.Claudia speaks from her experiences, so she knows what she's talking about. Many business authors only talk about theories without even testing them themselves. Claudia is an idea machine. And I hope I can be one too.As soon as I finished the book, I immediately took out a pencil and started coming up with ideas. In fact, here are ten reasons why you should get this book:1. It will bring you out of your comfort zone by forcing you to come up with ideas (very hard to do)2. It will help you with your creativity3. You'll be a lot sharper because you've been training your idea muscle4. You'll go on many adventures because you'll want to execute on those ideas5. You'll meet new people because you'll learn how give out ideas for free6. You'll learn how to handle rejection because you'll suck at coming up with ideas at first7. You'll learn to be generous because you won't care if people steal your ideas8. You'll make more money because some of your ideas will take root and grow9. You'll have someone (Claudia) guide you to writing ten ideas a day. Sometimes we need a little push.10. Once you become an idea machine, you'll stop making excuses. So what are you waiting for?It takes six months to become an idea machine. Seth Godin says "As you've probably guessed, the best time to start was last year. The second best time, is right now."If not now, then when?
In 2012, I had lost everything financially. I was living on fumes, and had no clue how I was going to dig myself out. Everything felt like it was spiralling out of control, and I knew that if I didn't turn things arounds that I would slip into depression. I came across the philosophy of "daily idea generation", and things started to turn around (slowly).One of the pillars of happiness is perceived progress, and after being in a rut for so long, doing something as basic as generating new business ideas on a daily basis felt like I was taking steps in the right direction.2 years later my life is virtually unrecognizable on every level, and I attribute a lot of my success to the principles outlined in this book.
I love books of action. I love ideas. This book has a great method for pushing you into action and to make these ideas worth something for you. If you've read James Altucher's Choose Yourself, this idea is borne from that. James & Claudia also wrote The Power of No (which you need to read). But for now? This is about Claudia and her magic. This book really makes you think. I know that's a silly thing to say, and yet, I mean like "put the book down and think and then go do something really cool, and then come back."I'm super biased. I love Claudia and I love James. But that's why I read the damned book. Get into it!
Great book, easily worth way more than the $2.99 Kindle price. Why? Becoming an idea machine changed my life. It can change yours too. Strength in ideation, creatively identifying multiple potential pathways, seeing alternatives other may not see...having a strong 'idea muscle' will help you see the abundance of opportunities that surround you.But then what? What do you do with a great idea? Especially since so many ideas go no where because people can't see the next step to take? Simple. Use your developing idea muscle to come up with ten next steps. And ten ways to test the idea. And so on. As you develop into an idea machine, you will sooner or later have an idea that inspires you to action...and you'll be able to come up with creative ways to proceed.So how do you become an idea machine? This book shows you how. The author shows why a strong idea muscle is valuable, how to build your idea muscle daily, and provides springboard topics to help you get started.Buy this book and read it today...I'm confident you'll have at least ten ways you've benefited from it!
After I discovered a translated-version of Choose Yourself in a bookstore in Korea about 4 months or so, I got so fascinated with the ideas in the book that I read all of his books on Kindle in a week (thank you James and Claudia for making the books so affordable!). I wouldn't say my life was in such a bad shape but I was insecure about where my career was going and was depressed. In this era where such young people make their names in the world, even 24 year old feel the pressure to produce some kind of result, right now. Focusing on taking care of 4 areas of health really changed my life. Although I am at the beginning of the process, I am much more happy, healthy, lucky, generous, grounded, calm, intuitive and (guess what) popular! After I started the practice, people started to approach me differently. I am still the same person but I can feel people see something and want to keep in touch with me. It is very strange but interesting and amazing experience! Among his books, I really liked The Power of No. Saying no was never an easy task for me. It can be also a cultural reason in Asia especially for women. I really liked the female voice in the book, Claudia. I could relate to her in many ways.Practicing mental health and coming up with 10 ideas a day is not always easy. Especially coming up with a topic for the 10 ideas can be sometimes impossible. I think I will look in to this book again in those days when I just can't come up with an idea to brainstorm about. Claudia is an inspiration who I can relate to. Thank you for sharing your great journey!
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