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The Unlimited Self: Destroy Limiting Beliefs, Uncover Inner Greatness, And Live The Good Life
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LIMITED TIME -- $0.99 SALEINCLUDES 3 EXPANSION GUIDES AND 4+ HOURS OF VIDEO TRAINING! Every person I talk to has one thing in common…And it isn’t something they like to admit.Every one of them wants things better…They feel lost in a desert. Almost like they were born at the wrong time in history.Whenever they step outside of their comfort zone to expand their life, they face fear, lower self esteem and diminishing confidence. In other words - they face their own limiting beliefs.They want to make money doing something meaningful with their lives…but they keep showing up at a job or have a business that leeches their life and energy.They want better intimacy…but they don’t know the skillsets and mindsets to keep the fire alive with their lover. They want to be a great parent…but when they spend time with their kids, they are only half engaged.They want to feel strong, alive and vibrant – but they feel so overwhelmed and busy with all the other areas of life, they continually let their health slip. 
They want to follow their passion…but they don’t have a freaking clue what they are even passionate about. They don’t even know why they are here. At the end of it all…everyone knows inside that they are called to greatness…To live an epic life…To have no regrets…To leave a legacy to be proud of…But even with everyone having this fire of greatness within…Most aren’t even close to where they imagined or dreamed they would be in life…Why?Because schools and our parents didn’t know how to show us the mindsets and skillsets to destroy the limiting beliefs and internal self sabatoge patterns that all of us face when we decide to live anything more than an average life.You can have your dream…but if your internal beliefs don’t believe it’s possible. It isn’t.
Lots of people still debate what success means.How about this. Success is when someone is willing to not just dream about becoming great…but take responsibility for making it happen. Success is doing the INNER work that is necessary to move past the hidden “blocks” that keep you from creating your dreams.

So the question is simply this.Are you ready to seize your greatness and not let go? Are you are ready for the mindsets and skillets that allow you to destroy ANY limiting belief that is holding you back from your greatness? If so…THE UNLIMITED LIFE is for you.

File Size: 969 KB

Print Length: 127 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Jonathan Heston (November 28, 2015)

Publication Date: November 28, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #2,714 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Nonfiction > Self-Help > Self-Esteem #5 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Business & Money > Entrepreneurship & Small Business > Entrepreneurship #16 in Books > Self-Help > Self-Esteem

I really appreciate this book being written. It is a great reminder that we have the capability of doing so much as human beings. I always wondered what set me apart from a lot of the people that I looked up to. I began to focus on their skill sets and how they practiced at their art for many hours. So I would try to work my hardest and use my willpower to get me to the next level, but something always held me back. I always would hit a wall and just stop. I couldn't understand why I felt like I had such motivation and drive, and then, feel like it just wasn't going to work out. So that's when I began to look at their mindsets. This was the key I needed to unlock my true potential. Jonathan's book is a great way to upgrade your mindset and remind yourself that you are one amazing person that is capable of doing so much!He has such a great way with words and uses great examples that I can relate to. He doesn't try to overwhelm the reader with too many big words. He covers so many great topics that bring a lot of awareness to limitations we put on ourselves that I didn't think about before. I never realize how much my mindset determines my beliefs and what I am capable of doing. Honestly, I am kinda shocked at all of the limiting beliefs and patterns I have now or had in the past. At first, I took it as some sort of shame or guilt, but it really was an absolute blessing. How can you change something if you don't know what you are trying to change? Jonathan does a great job helping you uncover limiting beliefs and patterns, and then tells you how to shift your mindset to regain your personal power.I appreciate and respect him for his vulnerability he showed while writing this book. It is easier for me to allow myself to be more vulnerable and honest with myself. I hope that everyone is blessed with wisdom and peace after reading this book. I would love to see another book written by this brilliant guy.

Not a bad book. An interesting/speculative view of psychology and motivation. Quite a bit of God-talk, if you're into that kind of thing. I question the legitimacy of the 20+ 5-star reviews. Everyone thinks the book is 5-stars? HmmThe author admits he isn't especially successful. It seems a bit like taking stock tips from a homeless man...... Have to give him points for honesty though.

This book ultimately opened my mind to becoming a more giving and understanding person. I now communicate honestly, openly and with confidence. After reading this I began to realize where most of my 'limiting beliefs' stem from and how they were holding me back from accomplishing my hopes and dreams of a successful life. It gave me the tools to question my negativity instead of letting it control my actions and most importantly, my life. I really hope you pick it up and receive the same results.

Powerful book that is like having a shot of whiskey to the soul. It truly awakens the part of you which gets put to sleep living a "normal life" I enjoyed this book not just because of the authors incredible story but because I can truly see myself in so much of his story. I encourage everyone that is tired of being sleep in a bed of "potential" and move in Greatness to read this book.

Uncovering limiting beliefs, deconstructing them, and replacing them with the truth that empowers and expands you.... this is the most accessible, no-holds-barred handbook to guide you through that process. Jonathan Heston's take on getting real and living authentically is both refreshing and highly DO-ABLE! Choosing to be an Edge Walker has never looked so good! Highly recommend!

I saw this book as a recommendation on my Kindle list and in my recent journey of personal growth, I figured why not read it since it was so cheap. This book provided a new way for me to see myself and my life goals. My personal journey started with Maslow's Pyramid and has included teachings from Wayne Dyer, Deepak Chopra, Tony Robbins, Susan Jeffers, Julia Cameron, Mary Field Belenky et al, and others. The Unlimited Self feels like exactly what I need right now to continue on my journey. Thank you Jonathon.

Good but lots of typos. Could use a serious edit. There's some good information, but a lot of it seemed recycled from other sources. Still, it's a quick read and could be useful as an introduction to some of the concepts.

I saw this book as a recommendation on my Kindle list and in my recent journey of personal growth, I figured why not read it since it was so cheap. This book not only inspired me to keep pushing to be my true authentic self, but I have been raving about to family and friends as I read along and some of them have decided to purchase the book as well. Anyone who is looking to better themselves I highly recommend it.

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