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Legend In Green Velvet
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Scotland is Susan's passion and obsession, and the opportunity to join a Highland dig is a dream come true for the young archaeology student. But then a sinister stranger slips Susan a cryptic message in ancient verseand is later found viciously slain. A mysterious peril has unexpectedly emerged from the mists to haunt Susan, sending her running for her life in the company of handsome, unconventional laird Jamie Erskine, for she has an unseen enemy hiding in the shadows. That someone is going to great lengths to frame her for murder and to bury Susan, if necessary, in this land she loves.

Audio CD

Publisher: Blackstone Audiobooks; Unabridged edition (June 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1470888742

ISBN-13: 978-1470888749

Product Dimensions: 5.2 x 0.7 x 5.8 inches

Shipping Weight: 4.8 ounces

Average Customer Review: 4.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (36 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #5,499,882 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #69 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( P ) > Peters, Elizabeth #10353 in Books > Books on CD > Mystery & Thrillers #17774 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Unabridged

This book was truly inspired. The imagery and wordplay was fantastic. Though there is a typical, stereotypical villian, he was still credible. Susan and James were excellent protagonists: the chemistry they shared heightened the wit and humor in the story. Every page is wrought of adventure and suspense and I applaud Peters' choice to weave the old Scottish legends into the fabric of her novel.

This is a delightful mystery set in Scotland. While the mystery is a good one and the characters interesting (Susan, the Scottish history buff and James, the son of Highland nobility), what is most fun is the very atmospheric evocation of Edinburgh and the Highlands. Peters manages to convey lots of Scottish history and legend in this book while keeping it very readable. I highly recommend this for anyone travelling to Scotland. It will heighten enjoyment of the trip.

I'm so happy to see this book back in print. This is a popcorn book. Light and fluffy, to be sure, but very satisfying. Romance, humor and suspense are well blended. It'll leave you smiling.

This is my favourite Elizabeth Peters novel. The heroine, Susan, is a romantic young American archaeologist in love with Scotland and all things Scottish. Staying in Edinburgh on her way to join a dig in the Highlands, she is mistaken for somebody else, implicated ina murder, and finds herself going on the run with Jamie, an unromantic young Scot who bears an uncanny resemblance to a Very Important Person. The book abnounds with amusing characters, especially jamie's crazy Scottish nationalist father, and a trio of ancient lady doctors. Funny, exciting and full of details about Scotland and Scottish history. One minor quibble. At one point Susan desc ribes George I as a 'distant' relative of the Stuarts. he wasn't very distant, he was a direct descendent of King jmaes I, and had as much SCottish blood in him as Bonnie Prince Charlie, which is to say not very much. What a pity Elizabeth peters doesn't write contemporary thrillers any more, i like them so much better than her series featuring tiresome Amerlai Peabody.

Susan is an archeology student with an obsession for all things Scot. She is lucky enough to be asked to take part in an dig in Scotland for the summer. Naturally, she leaves a little early to take in the sights. It really didn't turn out as planned. A crazy old man scares the heck out of her and the good looking guy she flirts with on the tour bus, gets a little too much. Then her room is ransacked at the hotel. While running from an unknown assailant, she comes upon a man dressed in Highland regalia and a mask. Jamie reluctantly becomes part of a wild adventure in the Scottish countryside.This novel was very fast moving and entertaining. The characters were quirky almost to the point of bizarre. I enjoyed it thoroughly and read it in one sitting.

After the second page, I knew Susan (the heroine) and I were kin at heart. Being American born but of Scot-Irish descent, I immediately related to her romantic lure of Scottish folklore. I could imagine the beautiful terrain and believe the unbelievable adventure she was drawn into. I loved all the characters from the reluctant hero, to the handsome villain and even the indubitable laird Erskine. Peters even threw in a true historical mystery about the Stone of Scone for those of us who love the Scottish heritage

This is a good one. The story is a fast paced type, of people being chased all over Scotland; they are not sure why. Theres treasure and history and costumes and bad guys and romance, all set against the majestic countryside of Scotland. Its good at the basics of Scottish history, so don't feel intimidated. Ms. Michaels will explain the Battle of Culloden for you, etc.

I have been a reader of Elizabeth Peters for a long time, starting with her Barbara Michaels books. This is another fast-paced, fun mystery with the kind of plucky heroine we have come to expect from Peters. Plus, as with any Peters book, there's the added bonus of learning a little bit of history as she weaves it into the story - this time about Bonnie Prince Charlie and Mary, Queen of Scots. Another strong offering from Ms. Peters!

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