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The Snatchabook
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A brilliantly written, laugh-out-loud rhyming text about books and the joy of reading in the vein of New York Times bestsellers It's a Book, How Rocket Learned to Read, and Dog Loves Books. Where have all the bedtime stories gone? One dark, dark night in Burrow Down, a rabbit named Eliza Brown found a book and settled down...when a Snatchabook flew into town. It's bedtime in the woods of Burrow Down, and all the animals are ready for their bedtime story. But books are mysteriously disappearing. Eliza Brown decides to stay awake and catch the book thief. It turns out to be a little creature called the Snatchabook who has no one to read him a bedtime story. All turns out well when the books are returned and the animals take turns reading bedtime stories to the Snatchabook.

Lexile Measure: AD660L (What's this?)

Hardcover: 32 pages

Publisher: Sourcebooks Jabberwocky (October 1, 2013)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 1402290829

ISBN-13: 978-1402290824

Product Dimensions: 0.5 x 10 x 11 inches

Shipping Weight: 1.2 pounds (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 4.8 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (85 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #38,237 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #68 in Books > Children's Books > Education & Reference > Books & Libraries

Age Range: 3 - 6 years

Grade Level: Preschool - 2

This adorable little rhyming fable is sure to become a classic and I would vote a hearty "yes" to have that happen. The setting is in a sleepy, lazy little nook, named Burrow Down. All different types of critters live there and they all love to read. When the lights dim at night all the mom's and dad's tuck their little ones in with a good night bedtime story. If you could peek into all their cozy homes you would find parents reading aloud and the kids wide-eyed with their ears tuned into every word that is being read to them.One little bunny, the heroine of the story, Eliza Brown, is happily reading her book before retiring, when suddenly it is snatched away. Gone. Stunned, she cannot figure out how it happened but later discovers that all over Burrow Down books are being stolen by some unknown thief! Day after day the books vanish until the book shelves are nearly bare. Everyone is upset and nearly frantic because they do not know what is happening to their precious books. Bravely Eliza steps forward and purposes to find the culprit and solve this "book stealing" mystery.She hatches a plan to bait the robber with a huge pile of books and then she stays awake to confront him and tell him of his wrong-doing. Long hours pass, she nearly falls asleep but suddenly is startled awake by the flapping of wings outside her window. Is it a bat? Is it a bird? A huge shadow is cast across her room but she is unmoved....she needs to get to the bottom of this. She opens her window wide and shouts: "Stop stealing all our books, right now! Just them give them back, I don't care how!"Who, the what, and the why she discovers is not what she expected at all.

The Snatchabook