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Celebrated Jumping Frog & Other Sketches
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The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County is a wild yarn involving a case of mistaken identity, a gambler who d bet on anything, and a very unusual frog named Daniel Webster. First published in The Saturday Press in 1865, the tale was immensely popular, and in 1867 an expanded version was published with 26 additional short stories, told as only Mark Twain could tell them.

Audio CD

Publisher: Mission Audio; Unabridged edition (July 1, 2010)

Language: English

ISBN-10: 159644911X

ISBN-13: 978-1596449114

Product Dimensions: 6.4 x 0.7 x 5.4 inches

Shipping Weight: 6.4 ounces (View shipping rates and policies)

Average Customer Review: 5.0 out of 5 stars  See all reviews (3 customer reviews)

Best Sellers Rank: #2,037,799 in Books (See Top 100 in Books) #18 in Books > Books on CD > Authors, A-Z > ( T ) > Twain, Mark #627 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Classics #5838 in Books > Books on CD > Literature & Fiction > Unabridged

"The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County and other Sketches " is essentially a collection of humor essays that Mark Twain wrote when he was working for a newspaper in California and includes the famous Jumping Frog story. This group of essays provide a great insight into the sarcastic and snarky humor that was a hallmark of many of Clemens writing style. Ironically, the Jumping Frog story probably isn't the funniest in the collection. My personal favorite actually turned out to be the "Concerning Chambermaids" essay. The humor contained in this book is surprisingly timeless (considering it's well over 100 years old) and left me laughing out loud many times. If you enjoy sarcastic humor that can be consumed in small bite-sized pieces, this is a great book to consider.

Actor Robin Field reads the first book by Mark Twain (1835-1910), a 'collection of short humorous pieces, originally published in 1867. The 'great American author, lecturer and humorist was born Samuel Langhorne 'Clemens and grew up in Hannibal, Missouri. Under the pen-name of Mark 'Twain he wrote such classics as Tom Sawyer, Huckleberry Finn, The 'Prince & the Pauper and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. 'He also wrote about his Mediterranean cruise in The Innocents Abroad, 'his Western adventures in Roughing It and his steamboat piloting days 'in Life on the Mississippi. Critic William Dean Howells called Twain '"the Lincoln of our literature." The reading is nearly five hours long 'on five Audio CDs, and includes the following stories:'The Celebrated Jumping Frog of Calaveras County'Aurelia's Unfortunate Young Man'A Complaint about Correspondents'Answers to Correspondents'Among the Fenians'The Story of the Bad Little Boy Who Didn't Come to Grief'Curing a Cold'An Inquiry about Insurances'Literature in the Dry Diggings'"After" Jenkins'Lucretia Smith's Soldier'The Killing of Julius Caesar "Localized"'An Item Which the Editor Himself Could Not Understand'Among the Spirits'Brief Biographical Sketch of George Washington'A Touching Story of George Washington's Boyhood'A Page from a Californian Almanac'Information for the Million'The Launch of the Steamer Capital'Origin of Illustrious Men'Advice for Good Little Girls'Concerning Chambermaids'Remarkable Instances of Presence of Mind'Honored as a Curiosity in Honolulu'The Steed "Oahu"'A Strange Dream'Short and Singular Rations

This children's book is similar to classics like Aesop's Fables and Peter Rabbit. It is very charming and includes picture illustrations that make children even more interested. I read this as a child and I'm sure it will remain one of my favorites for years to come.

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