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He Restores My Soul (The Langston Family Saga Book 1)
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When the Langston sisters return home for their mother's funeral, it's not in grief, but in relief.Though Mahalia Langston was known as a gospel music pioneer among the church community, her daughters knew her as someone else altogether.The three women hope that, along with their mother, they can finally bury the secrets that plagued their childhood.But that's no longer an option when tragedy strikes and the sisters are forced to deal with the past they’ve spent their whole lives trying to forget.With the help of a praying woman, the sisters begin to think emotional healing is a real possibility. Until, that is, they learn their mother had one final secret.A secret so earth shattering, only the grace of God will help them get through it.

File Size: 1251 KB

Print Length: 123 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Parker Fine Press (December 22, 2015)

Publication Date: December 22, 2015

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #1,088 Free in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Free in Kindle Store) #1 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian

This is one of the few books that had me talking out loud to the characters. The heartache in this family could be felt through the pages. I had to occasionally force myself not to cry. The Langston sisters each had to find ways to cope with growing up with a sadistic mother that had everyone in the church and community fooled into believing that she was the perfect mother, church member, and choir director, but nothing was further from the truth.Mahalia Langston raised her daughters with a iron fist and they each carried the damage done in a different way. Kristina, a very talented singer turned to drugs and self destruction. Tamia was a very sweet girl that always tried to be optimistic, but she too carried scars of what her mother did to her and found herself looking for love in all the wrong places. Pam was the rock of the family, she tried her best to take care of her sisters when her mother refused to love any of them. But the burden took it's toll on Pam as well driving her to drink more than she should.This story struck a cord with me, because I see bits and pieces of it in any family including my own. With so many absentee fathers, teenage mothers, drug and alcohol's no wonder so many families are dysfunctional. But this family here has more than their share!Very good job LaShonda Bowman. This was my first book from this author, but it surely wasn't my last...I had to also read the sequels: Then Sings My Soul and My Soul is Satisfied. Get them all, you won't regret it.

This book was a great read, it captured my attention right from the start. I loved that the author did not beat around the bush and draw it out. The character were real life, and you could feel their personalities, fears, emotions while reading the story. I loved the editing and the formatting. This author did an awesome job, and I can not wait until Book 2 comes out.

I loved this story! It's a page-turner from beginning to end, with wonderful turns interspersed at just the right points to provide timely surprises and developments. The story is definitely Christian; its presentation of the gospel is clear. However, it didn't feel artificial or convoluted. Everything seemed natural. Conversation that flowed reasonably because of the situation at hand. Another thing that was really good was the characters. They seemed real. Man, I could "see" Kristina. And Robin was exceptional, as well.If you're looking for a great story that moves right along, with surprises and really satisfying developments, I suggest you read this book. And I'd be remiss if I didn't add that this story deals powerfully with God's ability and willingness to heal broken hearts and broken situations. Well, now I'm about to drop a few more coins into 's pocket so I can get book two!Great job, LaShonda!Eric M HillAuthor of Spiritual Warfare NovelsThe Spirit Of Fear: A Spiritual Warfare Suspense Novel (The Demon Strongholds Series Book 1)

I don't know how to began to explain this book, I found it too be very warm and throughout, I really , really, love this book, from the tile to ending.. All I can' say is get a copy and read it for your self, It really touch my soul....LaShonda girl you did it on this one... God bless you to keep up the good reading.

“He Restores My Soul” was a perfectly told story of three sisters who endured painful abuse at the hands of their mother, including some events that were almost too tragic and traumatic to put into words. As a result, the three sisters each suffered from their own set of issues, but for one of them, the issues were causing her to swiftly lose control…Kristina was a famous singer who, on the outside, appeared to have it all, but on the inside, was suffering from long held secrets that not only kept her awake at night, but haunted her through the day as well. She held on as long as she could, but then one day, her life began to take a drastic turn...This story was smoothly portrayed. The author kept the reader interested and wanting to know what would happen next. I am definitely interested in reading Part 2!

What an uplifting story. I copied the quote "I let not my heart be troubled, I let not my heart fear. I cast all my cares on You, Jesus, because I know You care for me" and I repeat it to myself day and night. I recommend this book to everyone who believes in our God. Great writing LaShonda Bowman.

When you read a lot you sometimes run out of good books to read. Well thank God for LaShonda, I now have a new favorite author! I don't normally like family drama, but she writes in a way that captures you. The characters are well developed and multi-dimensional. They are broken and real. The twists and turns are fresh and keep you turning the pages. Lashonda's books are a breath of fresh air! This book was worth every bit of the 99 cents I spent. This is a must read.

I was on looking at reviews for my own books, honestly, when I came across three beautiful covers and titles. I read the synopsis on this book ​and decided I wanted to read all three. With that said, I was totally engrossed in the Langston sisters. There upbringing tore at my soul with every word. Incredible and uplifting story. I'm on to book two. I've found an author who writes beautifully.

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