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Heaven Between Her Thighs 2: Stealing His Heart
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Chey can’t believe this is her life. Everything she fought so hard for in her relationship seemed to come to a crashing halt once the revelations of Qyree’s family were out in the open. From his mother dropping the news that she was HIV positive to Jaxon removing Qy from the family business, all Chey wanted to do was be there for her man. But the secret that she was now hiding could very well cause even more damage and possibly be the end of her happily ever after.Just when he thought God was giving him a chance to become a better man, Qyree is hit with news that rocks his world to the core and causing him to let go of the one thing that was keeping him sane, Chey. Qyree knew that the way he had reacted towards the only person who had his heart in their hands wasn’t right but he didn’t know of any other way to deal with it except the way his father had taught him. Protect himself and just let everyone else figure it out on their own. It wasn’t right but what could he do? It isn’t until his mother falls ill and even more secrets are out that cause him to really take a look at the man that he saw in the mirror. Would these new twists cause him to finally stand up and be a man or had Jaxon tainted him for life?Von is finally in a place of happiness. She has her son back, her own place, and the demons from her past have been dealt with so what else could a woman want? Love. That aching in her heart to have someone to spend the rest of her life with and love her unconditionally wasn’t possible in her condition. So instead of sitting around and sulking she decided that she would do what she could to mend the relationship between Qyree and Chey. She just hoped that once Qy found out about her secret it brought them closer instead of further apart.Channing “Tank” Reeves is the epitome of a ladies man. Recently discharged from the military, he’s back home to help his cousin start the business they had both dreamed of since they were little boys. Working so closely with Qy it was only a matter of time before he would run into the pretty young thing Von. As soon as he set eyes on her he knew that she was the one and because of her honesty he was drawn to her even more. But what will happen once his secrets are out in the open? Would she still look at him the same?The Bible says that life and death are in the power of the tongue but the same thing can be said about the heaven between a woman’s thighs. A woman can give life from her scared place but if you’re not careful it can also be the death of you.

File Size: 3194 KB

Print Length: 163 pages

Publisher: Royalty Publishing House (July 6, 2016)

Publication Date: July 6, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #21,524 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #29 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #30 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #608 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Urban

The title of the book was a turn off for me because of the title, but I decided to give it a chance. It's about the consequences people face when they feel like they're above God's law and the damage it causes for others.

Omg this book has an awesome message, all I can say is God is good. I cried majority of th time reading this book especially at the end so if you haven't read this one I strongly suggest you get it asap. I've read every book this Author has wrote and this is definitely my favorite of them all, Awesome Job Ms.Denora

Man this series was really good. I couldn't remember the last time I was so moved. Chey knows she is a unique child of God. If you love a good bit of drama with a whole heap of God's teaching you wanna check this series out.

Very interesting book. Jaxon was the devil himself, hate that it took him getting shot to realize how much his family meant to him. Chey and Qyree had a lot against them bit glad they finally got back on track. I love that Von and Tank found each other and they both were going through the same health issues. JJ was,a loose cannon, he couldn't live cause of all the anger and resentment he has in his heart for everyone. Mabey someone will read this book and see that they need to protect themselves when having sex, cause,as you see Jaxon didn't look sick but he was

This was definitely a good read. Debora Boone did not disappoint. She picked right up where she left off in the first book. She kept the storyline on point and flowing smoothly. She gave history to the characters and engaged the reader throughout the entire story. Ms. Boone's writing just keeps getting better. She gives you your money's worth. She gave you a story of redemption as well as showed that you reap what you sow. Definitely one to watch. DC ApprovedHappy Reading,The Official Dcbookreviewer

This was a very entertaining book!! This book really had me weak at times, I really enjoyed it! I was so glad that Qy and Chey got it together and didn't name that baby Qyreesha for real lol. Francine and Gladys both had me weak. It was good to see both Zaria and Jaxon get themselves together and be in their grandchilds life. I think Tank was good for both Von and Amir. Overall very good read!!!

When I say needs the 10 stars button lawd have mercy they need that because this here surpassed the 5 stars... I had to go back and read part one before I read this and boy they flowed together like no other... I don't know what to say cause I don't want to give any spoilers but this is a must must read... You know I'm going to be lurking for the next book so get to it 😘

Great read. I'm so happy that Chey and Qy. Worked out. I had some twist in there that left my mouth open. I'm was soooooo Glad that Von found love and was happy with her son. Natalie Got just what she deserve along with Toni.Chey and Natalie grandmas was so funny. Great book definitely worth five stars!!!

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