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Then Sings My Soul (The Langston Family Saga Book 2)
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BOOK 2 IN THE LANGSTON FAMILY SAGA:The weekend of Mahalia Langston’s funeral changed her daughters lives forever. And though still reeling from the earth shattering revelation that followed their mother's death, they must return to Atlanta and their day-to-day lives.For Kristina, that means preparing for her upcoming tour. However, the repercussions of her mother's deception can still be felt. And this time, it will lead Kristina to the last person she ever expected to see again, her first love…Omar Williams has everything – money, looks, a daughter he adores and, most importantly, a relationship with Jesus Christ. But that doesn't mean he isn't plagued with heartache over his past.So when he gets a second chance at first love, he knows it's God answering his longtime prayer. What he didn't expect was the seemingly insurmountable obstacles that would come with that second chance.As events unfold—amidst secrets, lies, revelations and betrayals—he's faced with a heartbreaking choice. A choice only God Himself can give Omar the strength to make.

File Size: 1326 KB

Print Length: 129 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Parker Fine Press (January 11, 2016)

Publication Date: January 11, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #20,279 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #28 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #29 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #297 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Women's Fiction

This is the first time I have given any series 5 stars for each book. It took me two days to read book one and book two, I just could not stop. The story was clean, real and heart felt. It made you smile, laugh, sad, cry, thankful, etc. I love the Christian fiction work of many others, but the work of Ms. Bowman has me blown away. Don't take my word for it, read it for yourself. I just happened to look on line and book three is out, just ordered it and going to read it now, RIGHT NOW!!!

This series has kept me reading from one book to the next. As soon as I finished the first one, even though it was midnight I quickly downloaded the second and third so that I wouldn't have to stop next time. LaShonda Bowman was right when she wrote in the back of this book that her readers would be mad at her for the ending of this book...she's lucky the sequel was already waiting for me or she would have indeed gotten a nasty email. Instead I give her this 5 star review....LOVED IT!

Book two of this series picked up nicely from book one. I enjoyed the fact that I would predict something might happen and then the author would pen something different. This is a really great series and I look forward to more from this author!

Love has truly transformed this family! Wearing forgiveness like a new favorite outfit, can build sweet memories forever in your heart! Life has some very unexpected turns & maneuvers but, with the help of God, you can overcome. Great job LaShonda Bowman!!! I am excitedly looking for book #3 as soon as I finish typing this review!!!

Wow, this book was amazing and I look forward to the next one. I understand why there are so many rave reviews. Just when you think you have it figured out, here comes a twist. Keep trusting the Lord thru the good and the bad. Ms. Bowman keep the books coming please!

Loved it Things are never lost, people find themselves caught up in reasons of why nots instead of why can'ts. Always be positive and never give up or turn back, All characters are given nmany chances to get it right.

My emotions got totally caught up in the characters. Love the incorporation of faith without being preachy. Love being able to read the story without offensive language to describe and express various strong feelings. Now on to the third book of this trilogy.

After all she had survived Kristina still holds on to her faith. She has found her long lost son and now her true love.Putting her trust in her faith and with her sisters by her side she has gain her life back . Omar learns the truth about his ex-wife and decided to forgave her and move on with his live.I would recommend this book to anyone who is struggling with family issues and forgiveness.

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