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Big Bad Ironclad! (Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales Book 2)
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Each of the books in Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales has elements of the strange but true and is presented in an engaging, funny format, highlighting the larger-than-life characters that pop up in real history. Big Bad Ironclad! covers the history of the amazing ironclad steam warships used in the Civil War. From the ship's inventor, who had a history of blowing things up and only 100 days to complete his project, to the mischievous William Cushing, who pranked his way through the whole war, this book is filled with surprisingly true facts and funny, brave characters that modern readers will easily relate to.

File Size: 45208 KB

Print Length: 128 pages

Publisher: Amulet Books (December 15, 2012)

Publication Date: December 15, 2012

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


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Best Sellers Rank: #316,728 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #21 in Books > History > Americas > United States > Civil War > Naval Operations #34 in Books > Children's Books > Comics & Graphic Novels > History #55 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Children's eBooks > History > United States > 1800s

Nathan Hale has been a favorite local (Utah) author and artist for several years now. I first met him at a booksigning in suburban Salt Lake City, and casually followed what he was working on since then. Up until 2012 the highlight of his career has been the two graphic novels written by Shannon Hale (no relation): "Rapunzel's Revenge" and "Calamity Jack." Both are very entertaining takes on fairy tales, both come highly recommended by me.Hale's own series takes stories from American History and retelling them in a funny and informative way: "Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales." The first in the series is "One Dead Spy", the account of Nathan Hale's namesake, um, Nathan Hale. The second book, also published in 2012, is "Big Bad Ironclad!" "Big Bad Ironclad" is of course a Civil War tale, about the sea battle between the Monitor and the Virginia (when I was growing up, we called that one the Merrimack), two of the first ironclad ships. The premise of this series is that each story is narrated by heroic spy Nathan Hale, delaying his own execution Sheherezade-style by telling stories from American History to his own Hangman and a British Provost. Hale (the author) plays with the idea of Hale (the spy) as an omniscient historian, who's able to tell stories that haven't happened yet, and he's balanced out by the Hangman, who's brutish but loves cute little animals, and the Provost, who reminds me of a stuffier Sam Eagle from "The Muppet Show." But...British.A brief prologue does a good job of introducing the Civil War, and even though the ironclad battle is really only one small episode within the larger conflict, the book manages to give perspective to the war.

If you should find that you share your name with a Revolutionary War Hero you have various ways of making use of that fact. You could join Revolutionary War re-enactors on a regular basis and field unceasing questions about whether or not that is your real name. You could start writing historical fan fiction or fun alternative histories. Or you could follow in the footsteps of one Nathan Hale and write the number one funniest and best-written history-based graphic novel series on bookshelves today. The choice is yours. Honestly, I think you'd be better off going with that third choice, but bear in mind that not everyone is as good at Hale at doing what he does. With the debut of "Nathan Hale's Hazardous Tales" we encounter a melding of fact and fiction that will please history averse children and only mildly annoy adults who cannot figure out where to put the darn thing on their shelves.The first two books in the series have been released simultaneously and I find I cannot talk about one without the other. Though I slightly prefer "Big Bad Ironclad" to "One Dead Spy", I can hardly jump right in and talk about the sequel before I talk about its predecessor, can I? Besides, if I hadn't even seen "Big Bad Ironclad!" I'd still be talking up the wonders of book #1 in glowing hyperbolic terms. So to sum the two books up . . .In "One Dead Spy" our hero Nathan Hale stands at the gallows alongside a hangman and a British Provost Marshall mere moments before he is to be hanged by the neck until dead. Suddenly he is eaten! Eaten by a big book of American history no less.

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