File Size: 1388 KB
Print Length: 140 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: Parker Fine Press (January 25, 2016)
Publication Date: January 25, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #23,848 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #37 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #38 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #908 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian
Loved it, Loved it, Loved it. I was on pins and needles wondering what the outcome would be. Normally I would go to the end to find out what's going to happen, I couldn't with this book. I cried, but I was so glad I choose this book. It has given me a new hope....It's all in God's hands. The Langston sisters series was great! Keep up the good work!
This book took me through so many different emotions. I think I cried three to four times, I threw up my hand in praise and worship and I shouted a few thank you Jesus. I was in bed reading one part and I had to get up and walk the floor. This is something you have to experience for yourself. I'm a product of a "super natural" healing a "miracle" if you will and this book touched my heart in so many ways. I recommended this series to my church book club for February, come book night we're going to have church at Mount Moriah AME
Wow. Brilliant tear jerker. So different from regular Christian books. Requires hard faith and got me crying and laughing but well worth it. Looking forward to the next series. I am now a fan. Thank you for giving us real fiction that is about real hard struggles and yet uncompromising faith.
This book was the last in a 3-part series...I'm hoping there is a 4th. I found myself reading one story after another of the Langston Family Saga. Each sister, Kristina, Tamia, and Pam had their own demons to bear that the others didn't completely understand but did their best to support each other.Kristina had so many burdens to bear that she didn't even think about how her attempted suicides would affect her sisters. Her music career is what kept them going and all she wanted to do was not be here anymore. Eventually the whole sorted truth of what had all three of these sisters living such sad and shattered lives hits you in the face like a Mike Tyson fist punch. All you can say!
First of all I would like to say that this is my first time reading LaShonda Bowman book. WOW💖😱. I have never been so touched in my reading then this. I cried like a baby reading this. All can do all thing's through Christ who strengthen me. This is what got me through when my husband past of cancer. Faith , family and of course my leaning on God. This is a must Read.. My heart is full of joy. Thank You for this one. I'M A FAN FOR LIFE😘
This book had me riveted to my seat one minute, on my knees praising God the next and crying profusely throughout. For all who doubt that faith works, this book is an eye opener for them. I thoroughly enjoyed this and the other two books in this series by this author. I found that I could not stop Praising God while reading the tragic things that continued to happen to this family until at the end when all of what they had come thorough culminated with happiness all around for the sisters, their father, the men in their lives and the son/nephew they did not know they had. I love this author's writing.
I am so glad I didn't have to wait for this installment. If you never believed in miracles, well this book will certainly change your mind. How the story came together was awesome. For the whole series I say OMG, OMG - from the beginning to the end. I couldn't put this book or the first two down. But this book brought tears to my eyes at the depth of hurt these sisters had endured. And what about Omar? Talk about a man after God's own heart!! I read it last night and read to early this morning before day. You not be disappointed reading this series. Thank you Ms. Bowman. I look forward to more books by you...
This is really a teaching book on how to believe and to hold on to the Word of God. God keeps all of His promises. He will pick uou up at your weakest. Where two are in agreement on His promises He is with them.How to lean on the Lord in times of trouble no matter what it looks like. The Word of God came alive in this book. One of the best I have read. Writing guided by the Holy Spirit
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