File Size: 3149 KB
Print Length: 91 pages
Publisher: Anointed Inspirations Publishing (January 16, 2016)
Publication Date: January 16, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #11,501 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #12 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #99 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > Two hours or more (65-100 pages) > Literature & Fiction
As always this author never disappoints 😘 If you loved part 1 you will love part 2 even more. I couldn't believe the twist and turns in this story but it made me love it even more. My heart at first went out to Camile for what happen to her in her childhood but she became a horrible person and I wished she could have been stopped long ago instead of everyone agreeing with her and helping her in her twisted sick destruction of Drew. He on the other was a mess even as a child. Woow he should have never continued on thinking he was going to get away with the pain he caused others. But he's funny how Avery never liked him even as a child. I loved this book and the ending brought me to tears but in a good way. Huh, Huh, no spoilers here. This is a must read for yourself. I can't wait to read the next one by Denora Boone. Thank you 👑👑👑👑
Great sequel Ms. Boone!I enjoyed this fast paced sequel. The characters really showed their true colors in this installment.Drew has fallen so far from God's grace that he doesn't know how to make his way back...pretty much giving up. He feels that teaming up with Constance will give him the upper hand. Oh how low he will fall!Bryce is there for Jewel and his daughters through all of the drama and betrayal. It is Bryce that keeps the faith to keep his family together and safe.I loved the way this story ends for this family! Kudos.and thanks for another great book!
This book kept me on my toes. I couldn't put the book down because I didn't know what Candace was gonna do next. She was simply crazy. The good thing she did was let the little girl out of her car before purposely getting killed by the cops.
Awriight now! That is all I can say about this here book. Drew and his harem got what was coming for them. But I was glad that Jasmine tried to make up for some of her wrongs, it gave me hope. But that Constance, who. All I needed was five minutes and she would have been singing a different tune. But Denora, you did that with this one!
I love that it immediately picked off were part 1 left off . Found out even more confessions . I didn't like that fact that it seemed like things were being repeated. When characters expressed their feelings about other ones .
I enjoyed the story and I was delighted by the way it ended. However, the book has several errors (typos) in the book. I found myself rereading passages throughout the entire book. Overall, other than the typos, the story had some twists and I found myself caught up in the story.
This book was amazing it tied up everything perfectly from the first book "the pastors other woman 1" all the twists and turns made me feel like I was on the ride of my life. I however could only give this book 4 stars because the typos were atrocious to say the least, borderline embarrassing like a fourth grader edited it. I mean the names were mixed up making it confusing at times, stuff like "wring" instead of "wrong"...I mean for real msg #etymology it annoyed me to no end, but if you can get past that it's a good read 😁
Pastor Drew Webber was a hot mess, and did not realize that he was not running the show. Drew married Jewel only to get her inheritance that was left by her grandparent’s. Drew had several affairs with different women; Constance, and Jasmine. Not knowing that they were sisters setting him up. Secrets and lies will break a family up. Bryce was Drew’s best friend and in love with Jewel. Jewel and Bryce had two affairs and created two beautiful daughters. Drama, drama, and more drama. Good read
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