File Size: 3281 KB
Print Length: 105 pages
Publisher: David Weaver Presents; 1 edition (September 7, 2015)
Publication Date: September 7, 2015
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #13,199 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #14 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #399 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Urban
I loved this story and every time I read a book by this author I fall more n more in love with Christian Fiction, that characters were great expect for Drew n Jasmine whom I totally dislike , I loved Avery, she was a very strong n grounded young lady, so full of faith that it amazed me to read about her, this was a great story n I can't wait to see what they s Author brings next
This is one of the best books out this year in CF. When you think Drew only has one woman...BOOM here go another one. Poor Jasmine, if only she could have just talked to Jewel I believe Jewel would've talked her out of what she did. I can't wait for part 2...Drew made me want to wring his neck but I was thankful that Bryce stepped up to the plate and claimed what was his.
I love Denora Boone's books! Yes Ms. Boone is doing her thing! One thing I can say is that she delivers a WORD in her books. If you don't understand about the WORD then this book may not be for you! LOL. She has become one of my favorite Christian Lit authors. Some of the other authors can't bring the worldly and the spirtual totally together to make sense. But she finds a great balance! It is definitely worth the read!
I dont know what to say about this author every book takes you to another Level and i love it!!!! Jewel is sooo relatable because as women in relationships we just want to be loved.when we think we find it we try to keep it at all cost. Glad she had someone to help her see her true worth.Im sorry but brice is the man that every woman wishes for even through how they hooked up was wrong glad it happen. No as for his man drew he need to get a slooooow dose of that chick karma before he meets his maker.He is a sick and twisted selfish man if i ever read about one ,he is my new most hated character (Father forgive me for that feeling) o how i love little miss Avery so happy for her and that she had a friend to help her through the rough moments and who had a love for God just as must as she does . You dont see that in the youth today. Please let baby girl be ok or i may bave to do wwe tag me in to give drew the business if he harm that innocent child.
I just finished this book and when I tell u I couldn't put it down until I finished... I mean just that! Averys character was a breath of fresh air... knowing that it's true to life... not all young girls are out being premiscuous or boys either for that matter... Drew...smh... poor thing he let the Devil take control and now he's lost... refusing to take heed to the ⚠ ! Jewel u named her perfectly... because she is just that and she deserves nothing but happiness... and I absolutely love Bryce! Jasmine... wow no words for the route she took! I am so glad that I saw this book and chose to read it... I can't wait for part 2! This is definately a book I will share with others!
Loved this book. I was an excellent read. I couldn't put it down. Drew was so evil and what he did to Jewel was foul. I hope he and Constance get what they deserve. Happy that Bryce and Jewel are the together and that he's the father of her kids with no ties to Drew. Jasmine was selfish. I hope she do don't kill herself and. DJ. Can't wait to find out Drew's secret. Love Avery and James. Also all the positive messages and prayers. Though sad about the ugliness of the lies, greed and deceit, the good outweighed the bad. Anxious for part 2!
Oh Lord this was a GREAT read. Drew was the devil in person. His greed controlled him. He took advantage of so many trying to accomplish his goal while hiding behind a pulpit. But God sees it all. He will reap what he sow. This book has an emotional tow in some chaoters. Feel bad with Jasmin decision. Glad Jewel found true love. The ending was wow unexpected. Hopefully part 2 comes out soon. Because Drew can not win.
This book here had me all over the place! Drew will reap what he has down and I can't wait. I was hurt that Jasmine couldn't see her true worth and took the way out that she did. But to know that those girls have a real man as a father is enlightening. Can't wait for part two!
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