File Size: 560 KB
Print Length: 176 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publication Date: February 29, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #4,008 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Inspirational #15 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Contemporary Fiction > Religious #18 in Books > Literature & Fiction > Genre Fiction > Religious & Inspirational > Romance
Darcy fell in love with Matt when she was twelve. He told her that she was a girl worth waiting for. Years later, when they meet again, she realizes that her childhood crush was well placed. She feels drawn to him, yet scared to enter a relationship.Matt and Darcy have both had physical setbacks (injuries from war and a car accident respectively) but they don't let those setbacks limit them. This could have been an angst-filled story, instead it was light and funny. I loved the characters. I loved Matt for his patience and persistence. The romance was sweet and developed slowly (but not painfully slow).I was happy to see the characters from Team Mom as side characters in this story. If you haven't read Team Mom you don't need to read it first, but it is a great book to read at any time.Content: clean (some kissing, no language, no violence)
I really liked this story. I didn't give it five stars just because I felt it could have been longer than novella length. What I like about this author is that there isn't a lot of misunderstandings. They sort things out quickly and are open about things. I think this could have used a little more tension however. I really loved Matt in Team mom and was interested to see where he ended up. Darcy's problems were interesting because you don't read a lot about her condition (I won't spoil anything). I feel like there could have been more drama in that sector since she worried so much about Matt would think about it. I think a bigger reaction to a bigger situation was warranted. Saying that, however, I did enjoy this book for enjoyments sake. Besides insecurities on both sides this was a feel good book for a rainy afternoon.Rated: G (Think Hallmark channel movie)
Romance, clean.This was more of a 3.5 for me writing wise, but Matt's story was fun to read, so I rounded up. Darcy and he met when they were very young and they are both scarred from their pasts, physically, and emotionally. Matt has physical issues that are very apparent, and Darcy some that are hidden, but rear their ugly heads at inopportune times.They both have had some issues with their pasts, but their mutual genuine personalities, and the chemistry they both feel for each other made for a sweet romantic read. Matt has to figure out if his heart is healed enough to let her in, and Darcy has to figure out if her physical issues keep him running towards her and not away from her, and if she can open her heart to trust him with it. It was a gentle, fun read with honest feelings and worries. A nice HEA for me.
We first met Matt in the first book of this series 'Team Mom', which involved his brother, Eric, the famous baseball star pitcher, and Julie who has sign her nephew up on a little league baseball team coached by Eric. I loved Matt even back then. He was the outgoing, fun brother who didn't let the loss of a leg stop him from doing, or achieving anything he wanted. And in this book, nothing has seemed to change.Darcy's life was turned upside down after survivng a horrible car accident, that left her with a debilitating injury that would alter her life forever. Darcy fell in love with Matt when she was only twelve years old, and she still loves him to this day. But she never expected him to ever cross her path again all these years later, much less give her a second look.This could have been an angst-filled story, instead it was light and funny. I really, really loved both of these characters. They might have been flawed, but they didn't let that stop them from living their lives to the fullest!
Definitely a sweet, readable romance. The two characters were attracted to each other from the start, but fears and doubts hold back the inevitable conclusion, though only briefly. Did Darcy steal Matt's heart? She seemed too innocent to steal anything, but she had Matt's heart almost immediately even though he had thought he would never care for anyone other than the girl who had just left him.Whatever insurmountable problems that Darcy thought the relationship would face, Matt quickly overcame. He figured everything out and wouldn't let her run away. He's a war hero. She's never been kissed. A nice little fairy-tale.
This is a love story were when one door closed for both they found the love of their life but at the time they believe it was worse thing that happened to them but in the end it was the best thing that happened to them.
I really enjoyed reading this story. Both main characters deal with serious health/physical issues, even if the hero’s condition is downsized whereas the heroine’s gets the main focus. These issues , however, don’t detract from a general sense of cheerfulness and positive feelings in a story characterized by having strong and believable secondary characters.
I will be honest and say that I loved this book more than book one. Why? I am a sucker for individuals with disabilities and love when they are strong and find hope and of course fall in love. Goodness, this book was sweet and so compasionate. It was hard not to cheer for the beautiful Darcy. She has a story that will pull at your heart strings and you will hold her close to your heart and will find yourself always looking out for her best interest. She is the perfect woman for Matt.Matt, he is Eric's brother from book one. Matt, is a war hero. He came back home after losing his best friend and one of his legs in war. He was sad, alone and depressed after coming home. Eventually, he came out of the fog he was in and asked his famous ball player brother for a loan to start up a landscaping company. Not only did his brother fund capitol but went in business with his brother as his partner.While out at the local craft fair, Matt runs into Darcy. He has no clue who she is, but she remembers him well. They met when she was 13 and he was 18. He made an impact on her and she fell in love when they first met. Here all these years later she was seeing him for the first time. He felt a sense of familiarity but couldn't figure it out.As the story progresses, they keep bumping into each other. It is clear that there is an attraction between the two and with some help from meddling family members they become friends. Friendship is all Darcy can offer. She won't let him in on why, but eventually she reveals her secret and his reaction is far from what she was expecting.They begin a routine of hanging out and going on dates and they finally reveal their feelings. The sweetest love story ever, I truly hold a special place in my heart for these two characters. They get their well deserved HEA and I couldn't be happier.
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