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The Earl And The Girl From The Abbey (Regency Romance) (Regency Tales Book 2)
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FREE ON KINDLE UNLIMITEDMiss Beatrice Stanton, has been raised in the abbey by her aunt the Reverend Mother. But when she comes of age her heart lies elsewhere. She begs to be introduced to polite society in search of a suitable matrimonial match. When she meets the impoverished but charismatic Lord Christopher Davenport, the Earl of Kent, at a social gathering, she is hopeful that she has found her match. But before he can ask for her hand, rumours start circulating that he is a rogue who has fathered a child with a maid! Buy it now to find out how it all ends. The Earl and the girl from the Abbey is a Clean Regency Historical Romance. It is part of the Regency Tales Series. Each story can be read as a standalone but if you wish to read about the other stories these are available for just $0.99 or FREE On Kindle Unlimited. Regina Darcy writes clean, short, regency romance stories that always have a good old fashioned happy ending. REGENCY LORDS SERIES1: Mesmerising the Duke 2: Winning the Viscount heart3: Bewitching the Viscount4: The Duke’s Secret Desire5: Falling for the EarlREGENCY TALES SERIES1: An Earl for the desperate bride 2: The Earl and the girl from the Abbey3: A Governess for the faithless Duke4: A Duke’s son to the rescue5: Captivated by the Earl6: A Preacher's daughter for the smitten Duke

File Size: 1529 KB

Print Length: 61 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Clean and Wholesome Romance (June 28, 2016)

Publication Date: June 28, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #3,063 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #7 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > Romance > Historical #10 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian > Romance > Historical #13 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Historical Fiction > Regency

Beatrice was raised in a convent following her parents' deaths by her aunt, the Abbess. Rather than allowing Beatrice to take her vows, the Abbess wanted her to experience life outside the Abbey; perhaps she would like marriage and a family.At a dinner party, Beatrice meets Christopher Davenport, Earl of Kent. Christopher has been fighting in the war for ten years and only returned to England when he inherited the title upon his father's death.But other forces are at work to keep them apart.If I had proofread this book, I would have made 20 corrections.

I love reading good wholesome stories either full length or short. Beatrice is the beloved niece of the Abbess at the Abbey. She wants to marry and for love. She meets Christopher the new Earl of Kent and hopes to marry him. Then all at once rumors turn up about the new Earl that he has fathered not one but several illegitimate babies. While Christopher is trying to prove his innocence, Beatrice goes missing. A sweet story with a heart felt ending!!

A nice little tale of a man who inherits an impoverished title, and a young heiress who was raised in an abby.

This story has unique characters and an interesting plot.

Somehow these very short stories don't seem deserving of the same star ratings as the longer novels. Still, this story was good and clean, if somewhat formulmaic.

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