File Size: 434 KB
Print Length: 198 pages
Publication Date: February 1, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #17,960 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #22 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #23 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #653 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > Religious & Inspirational Fiction > Christian
I really enjoyed reading this book because I know first hand God can take a booty and turn it into a Cadillac, but the Word says you have to confess with your mouth and believe in your heart I'm saying this because when Frank gave his life to the LORD he answered question but didn't make a confession himself, but I enjoyed
Frank Mosley living wit his Mother she work to take care of her Son, Fell on hard times she turned to drugs to take away her problems at 23 yrs old Frank knew the street life the thug boys that work the corners he gets what he wanted take it to his Mother to ease her drug addiction she was dealing wit. Frank went to prison on drug charges he got into an altercation wit some men in prison, James and Frank became friends while lockup James is cutthroat by all means necessary lay down or get down he is hood strong he gets respect wherever he goes James is someone you don't want as your enemy it could be fatal. Pastor Walker spends all his time in Church First Lady Walker is lonely she turns to a young Man she bearly knows seeking love outside her Marriage she don't like rejection to well coming from Frank. Be Careful who you tell your Secrets to it might come back to bite you people have a way of always bringing up what you did in the past. That old saying what's done in the dark will come to the light. Book 2. Undercover Deacon 2. By. ANDRE RAY.
Mr Ray has exceeded all my expectations on this book ! Book 2 brought me back to God... I'm a Christian saved by grace... But.. I had stumbled... This book had me crying and repenting again. My husband is a minister of God...I've read the full bible 2-3 times in its entirety... But this book help me come back even more humble to The Lord ... Thank u & GodBless u Mr Ray
Author Andre Ray, really did a great job with this book. The story line really held my interest all through the book, not only was it inspiring, but it taught you a lesson to be learn in this book. Thank You
The author of the book contact the readers and supporters in a post , he was very apologetic for the errors, he stayed up all night and re-edited undercover deacon , which now has been updated, and will be a better read. I personally enjoyed following Frank the main character as he finds redemption, and the events that teach us all never to give up.
I enjoyed this book, awesome job. Frank was a young man that lived his life in the streets, selling drugs and robbing people. Frank was sentenced to jail and once returning to society he was hurt and confused. During his stay in jail his mom died and he did not get to attend her funeral. Frank met up with James after getting out of jail and had to flee town. After fleeing from town he gave his life to God, only for James to find him. This book is an awesome page turner....
Andre Ray is amazing story teller. Touching on a subject that us Christian's try to close our eyes to in the church. But Gave him a weapon he forgot about..A women of faith. Pick it up and read it. I promise u will love it.
The character showed much improvement , after he committed his life to God . It was a very moving story of a man trying to improve his life . The female characters were very devious but show much promise . I was happy to find out that it wasn't the same old drag out kind of story .
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