File Size: 2396 KB
Print Length: 170 pages
Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited
Publisher: B. Love Publications (February 29, 2016)
Publication Date: February 29, 2016
Sold by: Digital Services LLC
Language: English
Text-to-Speech: Enabled
X-Ray: Not Enabled
Word Wise: Enabled
Lending: Not Enabled
Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled
Best Sellers Rank: #61,244 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #77 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #80 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #769 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Women's Fiction
What a lovely story about Delilah finding her way back to God along with the man of her dreams. Not only was he good for her, but he was a man of God who loved her unconditionally and demonstrated the true art of forgiveness. The character development was on point and the story flowed well. I look forward to reading more books by B. Love and recommend this book to others without hesitation.
I am so digging this author. Her passion shined through her books. Her characters feel genuine, and I loved every swipe. The issues with Delilah seemed so real. And I loved the persistence of Sage. This book will definitely be added to my paperbacks collection.Great job !!!!
This book was a good story about unconditional love between a man and a woman but most of all have you thinking about God's unconditional love for His people even though sometimes we don't deserve it. We would all be amazed at what God would do in our lives if we would love Him the way He deserves.
This was a different kind of read than what I have come to expect from Author B. Love and yet the more I think about it, it really wasn't. All of her characters have flaws and idiosyncracies that if we can't find them in ourselves we definitely know someone who has them. I must first give a great big loud and proud shout out and say JOB WELL DONE, Ms. Love!!! WELL DONE!!!! This book as you told us was in many ways reminiscent of the biblical tale of Samson and Delilah but in our case, we now are faced with Sage and Delilah. From the very beginning, I was head over heels in LOVE with Sage. He is the character that every man should aspire to become and every woman wants to walk proudly with on their arm. Now Delilah is a different story. There was no love lost between me and this character and had to remind myself to give it time and eventually I would see the direction that Ms. Love was attempting to guide me. With all of her issues and her ups and downs once again, Ms. Love used her prolific ability as a writer to sway my opinion over to Delilah and ultimately had me rooting for her to get it right. This is a DYNAMIC STORY and while it is a departure from what we've seen Ms. Love write before it in no way diminishes the ability that she has a writer. KUDOS Ms. Love. I'm telling you all to RUN not walk to your nearest store and pick up this book. It will have you up, down, and frustrated and sad but, in the end, you will know that you have taken one heck of a literary ride!!!!
I thought it was a decent read. Sage was a good man, a man that most women would want. Delilah had a lot of issues that she needed to work through. He wanted her enough to help her through her issues and remain true to who he was.
This story could be a movie!!! It shows with God in the union and unconditional love, agape love anything will work....This book was different because it was based on Christianity and not sex but how God can turn things around for the saved and unsaved:) B Love what an awesome job you did with this story....All should read!!!
Where can I meet a real-life Sage?? This is an outstanding modern day Samson and Delilah with an redemptive ending. So glad I purchased this book because it made me think and re-evaluate some things. Great job B. Love!!
This book was deep! If it doesn't make you reevaluate relationships then maybe you should read it again. It made me reevaluate not only my relationships with men but my relationship with God. Truly glad that I finally read this book!
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