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Shy Elliott is the daughter to one of the most prominent leaders in Jacksonville, Florida. After having her daughter at the tender age of 18, her father tried forcing her into marrying her high school sweetheart Ahmod. Ten years later Ahmod is not as sweet as he once was in high school. Shy is very close to her mother and sister but she keeps certain things from them to keep peace in her home and family life. With her father standards so high for his daughters she tends to just hide from the world until she feels that she is worthy enough to be a preacher’s kid. From her father’s rejection and the rejection of Ahmod, she finally finds the courage to leave him and run into the arms of another man. Ahmod wants his cake and eat it too. With two women in his pocket he feels like he would never get caught. When both of the women leave him, he becomes lost. Once Ahmod finds out Shy is fully done with him he tries his best to run back but is it too late? Ahmod doesn’t think so until it’s really too late.

File Size: 1404 KB

Print Length: 129 pages

Simultaneous Device Usage: Unlimited

Publisher: Jenica Johnson Presents (May 30, 2016)

Publication Date: May 30, 2016

Sold by:  Digital Services LLC

Language: English


Text-to-Speech: Enabled

X-Ray: Not Enabled

Word Wise: Enabled

Lending: Not Enabled

Enhanced Typesetting: Enabled

Best Sellers Rank: #26,901 Paid in Kindle Store (See Top 100 Paid in Kindle Store) #41 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Christian #42 in Books > Christian Books & Bibles > Literature & Fiction > African American #382 in Kindle Store > Kindle eBooks > Literature & Fiction > African American > Women's Fiction

This was a good story basically. There was a lot going on the characters where all believable. Unfortunately I have never read a book with so many typos and mistakes whole words missing. Misspellings.

This was a very good read, and the title definitely fits the storyline. Poor Shy was damaged in more ways than one. Ahmod really messed her up mentally and physically. I'm glad that she found dome happiness with Dee. I felt really bad for Reeci. I'm glad that Shys dad finally came around. However, the real kicker of the story is what Ahmod did to himself. I did not see that coming. The saying goes that you reap what you sew, and in his case, he definitely did. Great job Jenica, and I look forward to readind your next read.

This story brings a really good message to when a person gets tired of being abuse and finds strength to redeem themselves. Amond is triflin and Selfish. He figured that since he and Shy had so much history he would be around forever. Yet having kids with someone doesn't mean you have to stay together. Reeci was caught up in a bitter situation but she finally came to realization it was for her. Da'shawn came at a great time although I thought their relationship moved too fast. That death was unexpected tho,the kids were the ones would really suffer. All in all the story was pretty good.

This book kept me on my toes and trying to figure out what's gonna happen next. I didn't see Ahmod committing suicide, which surprised me, to say the least. I already recommended the book to someone else before finishing it because I knew it was gonna be great and I wasn't lying.

This was a very emotional bood. It pissed me off at how bad the women in this book allowed a man\men to treat them. The bood had errors and mispelled words. but the storyline was good. that's why I gave it five starts*****. Good job, just next time get an editor.

I give this book 5 stars because it was so authentic. I felt like I was there going through Shy's experience. It was real, painful and beautiful when she found someone who loves and appreciates her. The end was sad but once again real. I enjoyed this book, it was a page turner. I was afraid to finish it but so wanted to get to the next l page. Great read!

I would give this 4 stars, but the editing is horrible and non-existing. It was too distracting trying to skip over all the typos and decipher sentences. Excellent plot and interesting characters. But next time, PLEASE invest in a good editor.

Enjoyed the characters and the storyline kept my attention. Hence the 3 stars. However, as mentioned in other reviews the spelling & other grammatical errors were very distracting! Some examples include the repeated, improper use of the following homophones: sell & sale, to & too and other incorrect word choices such as: rather vs whether, drink vs drinking, feed vs fed, will vs while, seat vs sit, pushy vs pushing and he vs his. It was so bad as you can see I started keeping a record because I was so shocked by the frequency of errors! As this was my first book by this author, I do hope the suggestions to utilize an editor for future endeavors have been taken to heart. I'd love to continue supporting but please set the bar higher.

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